DECEMBER 14, 2000


Dr. Christopher Chyba, 
SETI Institute and Stanford University

The last decade has seen a rebirth of the science of exobiology.  
After the utter sterility of the moon became clear and the Viking 
missions failed to find life on Mars, the search for life elsewhere 
in our solar system came to seem almost moot.  

However, this has dramatically changed in just the last 10 years. 
We now know of more planets around other stars than orbit our own sun; 
we have learned that organic molecules are nearly ubiquitous in the 
solar system and in the interstellar medium; it now seems likely that 
Europa has a liquid water ocean; we will return to Mars with two missions
every launch opportunity; we have learned much more about Earth's deep
biosphere, which is a model for subsurface life on Europa or Mars, and 
there has been substantial progress in origins of life research.  

In the next 2 to 3 decades each of these fields will provide spectacular 
new results.  Dr. Chyba will explain why, in stark contrast to how the 
field seemed 20 years ago, it is now hard to see how any plausible set 
of negative results could prevent biology from staying central to 
planetary exploration in the next several decades.

Dr. Chyba holds the Carl Sagan Chair for the Study of Life in the 
Universe at the SETI Institute in Mountain View.  He is also Associate
Professor (Research) in the Department of Geological and Environmental
Sciences and Co-Director of the Center for International Security and
Cooperation at Stanford University.

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