In a message dated 1/10/2001 3:02:18 PM Alaskan Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> let's look at some images. the first is a set of pictures
>  showing how geologists understand the evolution of the current
>  tectonic state.
>  two through four are about the chicxulub impact site in mexico.
>  the first of those is a gravimetric image of the distortions
>  caused by the impact. the second is a map of the yucatan penninsula.
>  the third is a 3D relief map.
>  the last is a map of hudson bay in quebec, canada. am i the only
>  one who can see a 300 mile diameter impact crater?

Hmm... I'd heard some years ago that the Hudson Bay area is probably a 
crater; perhaps it's never been really delved into like the Chicxulub crater 
(now proven) because one is in warm Mexico, the other in frigid Canada?  It 
would take a man of particular steadfast character to do the research, 
presumeably by diving in the waters of Hudson Bay and so forth.

Who knows, Sam, it may be a grand opportunity for you!  You may even find the 
ghost of Henry Hudson while poking around up there.

-- JH Byrne
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