>From the Oct. 1 Aviation Week:

"NASA believes it has whittled its $4.8 billion shortfall on the Space
Station to about $500 million, but that only buys a three-man crew -- barely
enough to keep the station operating, and woefully inadequate for
'world-class science'.  Estimates of how much more it would take to build a
station capable of supporting a crew of 6 or 7 are starting to push into the
$8 billion range -- about what the Reagan Administration originally
estimated the total project would cost.

"No one is happy about that, particularly members of Congress who were sold
a functioning laboratory.  And the ESA, which has spent about $4 bilion on
ISS and may add another $460 million to help the US pay for a Crew Return
Vehicle, calculates that a 3-man crew would give ESA a scanty 1.5 hours of
crew time a week.

"Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), who chairs a NASA oversight panel, says
it's time for some 'creative thinking.'  For example, oil-rich states in the
Persian Gulf region could buy in, using cash-strapped Russian companies to
build their hardware.  [Right.  Saudi Arabia, maybe? -- Bruce]

"Meanwhile, members of the independent panel set up to find out how to
finish the US station 'core' with the funds available are 'depressed and
astonished' after a week at the ISS program office in Houston, according to
one insider who says NASA hasn't offered 'hard numbers' to back up its
estimate of the original shortfall."

I do wonder how much longer Congress will tolerate this farce just to
conceal from the voters the fact that NASA royally scammed them.  Meanwhile,
"NASA Watch" reports that the Bush Administration has now given up on
finding any willing replacement for Dan Goldin, and doesn't think NASA is
important enough anyway to put any more thought in on it at this point -- so
they're just going to leave Goldin in as head, to do whatever damn thing he
wants with the limited amount of money they intend to give him from now on.

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