In a message dated 11/21/2001 6:41:43 AM Alaskan Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear Dr. Zubrin, The JFK memo I referred to in my earlier e-mail was from the book John F. Kennedy, Commander In Chief: A Profile in leadership. This fowarded e-mail contains a link to Amazon.Com where you can purchase a copy of the book. Thanks again. P. S. The memo I am refeering to was the one that JFK sent to Soviet Premier Kruschev in March,1962 in which he recommended joint US-USSR manned flight to the Moon, Mars & Venus. He also recommended joint US-USSR unmanned lunar missions in the memo.

We may be once again coming into a period when such joint Russian-American efforts may be feasible.  I for one envision the US and Russia tossing aside the Cold War once and for all, and linking up efforts to bridge the Bering Sea with a suboceanic tunnel and bringing Russia into NATO, despite the misgivings of Poland et al.
Of course, the Russians haven't been in top form in the space game lately, but I was personally very interested to see that the deal they had with that millionaire, to make him the first space tourist, was carried through.  I think it was a great idea.

Anyway, just my two kopecks worth.

-- JHB

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