OK, I admit it! Sometimes I shoot from the hip (don't suppose you've
noticed!) Couple things:
First, I do agree that we need to bring launch costs WAY down, and I further
believe we can do it. Whether we need to delay manned missions until that
happens is another question. I really like and support the private industry
Second, it may well be that the ISS is, to put it politely, "not cost
effective." However, I still say it's the only thing we have to do anything
in space, so dropping it out of orbit doesn't seem to be the best solution.
Third, as I have said repeatedly, the decisions are political, (not
Political as in Demo/Repub) not technical. We have, and have had, the
technical, scientific, engineering, and mechanical ability to do just about
anything we might want to do. Unfortunately people can't get too excited
about little robots scurrying about or even big spacecraft doing their
Fourth, you're probably right in your anger with the politicians being
apparently unable to act sensibly. But when have they been? All politicians
are self serving, and I've known some very good, thoughtful, dedicated pols
in my time, but their first priority is getting elected and their next
priority is getting re-elected. Unfortunately, that ain't going to change. I
guess we just need to keep supporting those with whom we agree, and letting
the rest know of our displeasure.
Last, how does this apply to Europa? Seems like we get off the track very
easily, but at the same time this kind of discussion seems much more
relevant. If we can get over this particular hump, maybe Europa will once
again be a hot topic.
Gail Leatherwood
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Moomaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Europa Icepick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: The snake devours its tail

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gail Leatherwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 8:27 PM
> Subject: Re: The snake devours its tail
> >
> > Keep at it, Mr. Moomaw. If you are successful, you will destroy the only
> > working beachhead we now have in space. All we see from you is "Bring it
> > down, destroy it, stop any possible uses of it, stop wasting our
> > on something I consider worthless." How about suggesting something
> positive
> > for a change? If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the
> > problem. Frankly, I'm a little tired of your polemics against the ISS.
> > G. B. Leatherwood
> This particular "beachhead" is not worth maintaining -- and I'm hardly the
> only one who thinks so; so does most of the space science community
> The confirmation of my long-term suspicion that even microgravity
> might have been happier with a man-tended unmanned platform is the last
> straw.  As for the "positive suggestion", I'm in full agreement with
> Dyson (who can hardly be called anti-space): shut down manned space travel
> to an absolute minimum until we get launch costs WAY down, and in the
> meantime focus on unmanned missions, which can be miniaturized to an
> degree.  People cannot be.  And, believe me, you can't possibly be as
> of my anti-ISS polemics as I am of Congress and the White House making
> wasteful and counterproductive idiots of themselves on this subject -- as
> they have been for at least 15 years.
> ==
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