I was just thunderstruck to learn -- by pure chance -- that National Review
Online has referred favorably to my new SpaceDaily Pluto article!  See
www.nationalreview.com/miller/miller072303.asp (the link to the "good
summary of the whole dispute" is to my article).

Since I usually regard National Review with about the same level of fondness
as genital herpes, this leaves me rather on the spot.  I never would have
discovered it if moderate-liberal Harvard biologist Charles Murtaugh's blog
site (which I do read) hadn't referred to John J. Miller's National Review
article, which enthusiastically boosts New Horizons and urges Congress to
override Bush on it.  I linked to Miller's piece just because I was
pleasantly surprised that NH has acquired such a surprising new ally, and
there I was... They like me!  They really like me!  (They won't like me,
however, when they learn that my sole link with conservative journalism up
to now has consisted of sending nasty letters to "The American Spectator".)

 Note one big scientific flaw in Miller's piece, though: "If there's a
Planet X out there... a delayed Pluto mission provides a poorer chance of
finding it."

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