The NuclearSpace Web site has an article that links
to papers and other data on simulations of launching
an Orion rocket.
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert J. Bradbury
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 10:32 AM
To: Europa Icepick
Subject: Realistic paths to Europa

This is primarily a question to Bruce but others should
feel free to join in.

Glenn seems to be making good progress with increasing our
abilities with ion propulsion methods.  But these need
power.  Is there a solar power path to travel to Jupiter
(and beyond?) if solar array power/mass ratios continue
to decline or is it always necessary to use a nuclear
power source?

Given that the U.S. shelved nuclear power source research
several decades ago is it realistic to believe that we
can have any "real" progress in the nuclear power interfaced
to ion propulsion methods within the next decade?

Will nuclear power sources ever be viable for manned
missions (e.g. to Mars), or will they only be useful
for missions where one can shield the small amount
of "intelligence" in the probe from the radiation?


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