Joe Latrell came up with a napkin drawing for a carboard prototype, of the 
sort that could be tested in a couple of blocks of ice.  This initial 
prototype (let's call it IcePIC i) has a wire coil internally:  is this to 
play out behind to respresent the transponders, or to help control the model?

Really, we could simply use something like an electric hair curler for this 
demonstration of our prototype.

I do have a question about the ice-filled culvert route:  how do we add 
sections to the pipe?  A 20' culvert filled with ice and gravel is far too 
heavy to lift and put another section under it.

Funny, that after all this, we're back to calling it IcePIC... however, 
there's still the issue that Julie raised:  do we need to distinguish this 
working model, from concepts more directly related to the Europa probe?

-- John
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