----- Original Message -----
From: "Leonard DiFrancesco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:26 PM
Subject: Piezocone

>  Is real time data as the probe explores beneath
>   the ice absolutely necessary?  Or rather, could the information be
>  in the device then later shot back through the ice after
>   exploration then transmitted from the surface?

Indeed it is -- the water-filled tunnel that the Cryobot melts in the ice
freezes solid again less than a meter above its rear end (and the sheer
pressure of the ice just a few hundred meters down would quickly squeeze the
tunnel shut even if this didn't happen).  The only way to get any vehicle
back up to the surface is to have it melt its way all the way back up just
as it melted its way down, using some kind of hooked propulsive system to
grip the walls of the melt space and heave itself upward into the bargain --
and while Honeybee Robotics is working on the design of an "Inchworm"
subsurface tunneler that could do just that, they readily admit that it's a
project for considerably more distant in the future than the one-way Cryobot
we're talking about.

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