We'll be looking forward to hearing what you come up with, Jack.  I guess your prototype would be Icepick ii, to distinguish it from Joe's Icepick i? 
Damn.  Now I'm going to have to figure out how to get something like this going myself... someone mentioned an aluminum cigar tube for a tiny prototype.  I think I'll look into that myself.

Tell you what:  if we have any workable prototypes developed for a cigar tube, I'll see if I can scrounge up a dozen such tubes, and send them to people who DON'T have a handy metal lathe in their garage, so they can tinker with concepts as well.

-- John Harlow Byrne

In a message dated 10/31/2002 6:35:04 AM Alaskan Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I just took delivery of a new metal lathe/milling/drilling machine, and have set it up in a well-lit corner of my garage.  Once I figure out how to make it go, building a prototype to satisfy a number of my own curiosities about melting one's way through ice will sit atop the project list.  Then, on one of my numerous trips to Calgary, I'll sneak off to a handy glacier (there are dozens within a 3 hour drive and see what happens.

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