- Bacterial Blasting Across Space

Sydney - Nov 04, 2002 - In 1996, the world was stunned by one of the greatest scientific controversies of the past decade. A team of scientists in the USA had announced evidence suggesting that a meteorite from Mars bore fossilised evidence of microorganisms. To many observers, it seemed that the first real traces of alien life had been uncovered. But the results were quickly called into question, and debate on the issue is still unresolved.

- Astronomers Find Life On Earth

Boston - Nov 01, 2002 - Now that the discovery of extrasolar planets, or planets around distant stars, has become relatively routine, scientists are now tackling the next step: finding life-bearing worlds. To do this, observers must know what signs to look for in the feeble light from these faraway planets.


- Satellite To Be 'Boosted' By Microwave Beam Proposed

Huntsville - Nov 01, 2002 - Plans to make the first known attempt to "push" a spacecraft in Earth orbit using energy beamed up from the ground will be announced next week at the First International Symposium on Beamed-Energy Propulsion at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

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