(I wrote much of this first to Bruce and John offlist,
but I realized upon re-reading that it might have general
list significance.)

I would tend to agree with John that we may want to simply
let the investigation run its course.

Unfortunately the news media seem to be turning up revealing

In Intense Debate, Engineers Predicted Extent of Liftoff Damage
Matthew L. Wald and William J. Broad.
NY Times, Feb. 27, 2003:

To NASA's credit, they are being very open and quick about
revealing details of internal discussions.

But it would appear that before the shuttles can fly again
some significant refinement is going to be required to both
the external tank bipod attachment as well as the wheel well
areas.  Not trivial upgrades.

(Yes, Bruce, I know you would probably like to scratch the
whole mess (shuttles, ISS, etc.) but being realistic, I
really doubt that is likely to occur.)

To really push that concept you (Bruce) need to present a really
good alternative to not "how do we explore the solar system?"
but "how do we save humanity?".  There are people who inherently
grasp the priorities.  The "exploration" part is pointless without
the "saving" part.

There are just *too* many people that have seen Armageddon and
the very best argument one could make in the world (peer reviewed,
signed and stamped by numerous experts, etc.) doesn't carry *any*
weight against Liv Tyler's tears.

It doesn't matter that the risks (to humanity) are low, and perhaps
going lower (cite many of Larry Klaes's recent msgs).  What matters
is that every single human being knows that if they end up on the wrong
side of the dice roll that everything that they have ever done,
worked for, hoped for, desired, etc. would be pointless.

I'll freely admit that probably billions of humans are not up
to that level of awareness (perhaps all those that haven't
seen Armageddon) -- but they would all appreciate the concept.
Hope & desire seem likely to be key aspects of what gets us
out of bed in the morning.  Remove those (say through the discovery
of an incoming NEO that we cannot prevent) and it seems probable
that one destroys key aspects of humanity if not humanity itself.


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