
> I still see issues with what I will call volume of scale.

Agreed.  Does one want a larger number of smaller craft with a fair
amount of redundancy or a smaller number of larger craft with perhaps
greater capabilities?  And does one deal with the volume of the
Europa ocean better with a "swarm" or does one deal with the
possible detection of a low life density with larger craft that
process more material (for the detection of "life")?

> I guess I am still thinking miniaturization.

No, not completely.  Part of the problem is how to get the signals
back here.  How much do we spend on sending larger probes (more
power, bigger antennas, etc.) *there* vs. spending that amount of
money to build bigger receiving dishes *here*???

With respect to sending & receiving -- area counts.  Area costs money.
It is a question of where you spend it.  (This is one reason that
NASA is working towards optical information transmission and Mars
data relay satellites).  Area requirements go down and information
bandwidth goes up.

> Next question then, how long does it take to 'build' nanobots and a
> bacterium for that matter?

E. coli (the ubiquitous) bacteria, can replicate itself in ~20 minutes.
That means that if provided with sufficient nutrients it could grow
to equal the mass of the Earth in ~3 days.  D. radiodurans replicates
significantly slower (hours, if not days) leading me to believe that if
you want perfect copies of ones genome one has to be very careful in
the replication process.

The rates cited by Drexler in Nanosystems (for nanotech) are "capital stock"
doubling times of ~10^4 seconds (2.8 hours).  But subsequent work based
on nanoassembly lines has (in my opinion) significantly reduced that number.

As a piece of trivia (and some lessons with regard to volume scaling),
it is highly probable that normally there are more copies of "alien"
genomes in or on each human body than there are copies of human genomes
(in large part because bacterial cells have such a reduced volume
compared with human cells).


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