> > With its heavy load of instruments, the spacecraft [JIMO]
> > would have to be at least 300 feet long. 
> This HAS to be a misprint.  A craft the length of a
> football field?  Maybe once we build that space
> elevator.  The whole Saturn V rocket was only 410 feet
> tall.  Maybe they're talking about some expandable
> sections?  Surely they're not talking about assembling
> it in orbit.

I think the idea here is that the instrument pack will
be tethered to the nuclear power source by something
long enough to protect it, but not so long that it
outweighs the alternative of simple shielding.  The
wording suggests a long body packed with instruments,
but that seems pretty doubtful.  Science writing
for the mainstream press, doncha just love it? ;-)

-michael turner

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