Also See - Christiaan Huygens: Facets of a Genius here:
International Conference on the occasion of the 375th birthday of Christiaan Huygens, (born 14 April 1629)

In the 17th century, Christiaan Huygens was one of the most respected leading European scientists.

He was the first to be what we would today call "scientific director" of the Académie Française.

A highlight in his career was the discovery of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, in 1655



This conference will start with a tribute to Christiaan Huygens, his contributions and interactions in the 17th century followed by recent results of observations of Saturn/Titan from ground and space, an overview of the Cassini/Huygens mission.
The conference will end with a public outreach day aimed at the amateur astronomy community that will have the opportunity to present, in the forms of posters or exhibits, their latest observations of Saturn and Titan.


Tuesday 13 April – Opening session
12:00 Registration
14:00 Welcome by ESA Director General
14:10 Opening speech by Mrs Maria van der Hoeven, Dutch Minister for Education and Science
14:30 Inaugural lecture:
Prof H.F. Cohen: “Christiaan Huygens and the scientific revolution”
15:00 Musical intermezzo
15:30 coffee break
16:00 Prof A Brahic: “The Voyager Odyssey”
16:30 Musical intermezzo
17:00 Prof R.M. Bonnet: “Cassini/Huygens in the European context”
17:30 Welcome reception
19:30 end

Wednesday 14 April – Christiaan Huygens, the person, the scientist and interactions
09:00 Prof A. van Helden: “Huygens and Saturn”
09:30 Dr J. Yoder: “The Huygens manuscripts”
10:00 Dr A. Cassini: “Cassini and Saturn”
10:30 coffee break
11:00 TBD: “Cassini, the scientist”
11:30 Dr F.Chareix: “Huygens and Mechanics”
12:00 Prof H. Bos: “Huygens and Mathematics”
12:30 Prof C.A. Grimbergen: “Huygens and the advancement of time measurements”
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Dr S. Débarbat: “Huygens, l’Académie des Sciences et l’Observatoire de Paris”
15:00 Prof. A. Dollfus: “Christiaan Huygens as telescope maker and user”
15:30 coffee
16:00 Dr G. Molesini: “Testing the lenses of Campani, lens-maker for Cassini”
16:30 Prof F.J. Dijksterhuis: “The optics of Huygens”
17:00 contributed papers on historical aspects
17:45 return to hotel
19:00 Huygens Birthday buffet dinner in Space Expo
after dinner Prof C.D. Andriesse: “Titan kan niet slapen” ( Huygens biography)
22:00 end

Thursday 15 April – Recent results of Saturn/Titan observations, ground- and space based, theoretical studies
08:30 Prof D. Southwood: “Cassini/Huygens, the next steps towards the outer planets”
09:00 Dr. T. Encrenaz: “review of recent Saturn observations”
09:30 Dr C. Ferrari: “Satellite & rings heritage and follow-up to Huygens”
10:00 coffee break
10:30 Dr A Coustenis: “Titan’s atmosphere and surface from imaging and spectroscopy in the past decade”
11:00 Dr T. Owen: “Models for the origin of Titan’s atmosphere”
11:30 Dr C. McKay: “Aerosols in Titan’s atmosphere”
12:00 Dr D. Strobel: “Titan’s photochemistry”
12:30 Dr F. Raulin: “Biochemistry of Titan”
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Dr D.B. Campbell: “Earth-based radar detection of seas on Titan”
14:30 contributed papers on ground-based and space observations (15 mins each)
15:30 Departure for museum visits
Boerhaave, Hofwijck, University Library Leiden

Friday 16 April – The Cassini/Huygens mission: from past to future
08:30 Drs D. Gautier, W.Ip, T.Owen: “The genesis of the Cassini/Huygens mission”
09:15 Dr D. Matson: “The Cassini/Huygens mission”
10:00 coffee break
10:30 to 13:00 Latest Observations of Saturn and Titan by Cassini Orbiter Instruments
(Programme to be established, invited papers, 20 mins each)
13:00 lunch
14:00 Dr J.P. Lebreton: “The Huygens probe”
14:30 to 16:00 What do we expect from the Huygens probe Instrument Package
(Programme to be established, invited papers, 6 PIs – 15 mins each)
16:00 coffee
16:30 Prof. J. Lunine: “Titan, what next”
17:00 end

Saturday 17 April – Public outreach day
09:00 registration
10:00 Welcome and coffee
10:30 Dr A van Helden: “Huygens and his times”
11:00 Mr P. Louwman: “Huygens and his telescopes”
11:20 Dr T. Johnson: “Robotic exploration of the outer planets, a historical perspective”
11:50 Dr G Konnen: “Titan halos”
12:20 Dr T. Owen: “Huygens and the search for life in the Universe”
12:50 Lunch
14:00 JPL: “The Cassini/Huygens education and outreach programme”
15:00 Dr L. Friedman: “Public involvement in Planetary Exploration”
15:30 ESA’s Education and Outreach Programme related to Cassini/Huygens
16:30 contributions by amateur observers
evening Saturn and Titan viewing at ESTEC/Sterrewacht Leiden


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