--- Michael Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why would Europa look like this in a "brief melt"? 
> A "brief melt" amounts
> to the Sun going nova, and Europa's surface would
> turn into the surface of
> one big ocean, boiling away under the combination of
> nova heat and the
> vacuum of space.  Nothing but steam.  In short, it
> would probably look more
> like Venus does now: white cloud cover.

Well, an intensification of radiation (due to, say,
a shift in Jupiter's magnetic field) could lead to 
a brief melt, I suppose.  However, a brief melt
wouldn't lead to rivers, but rather to steam, due
to sublimation.

However, if you're harboring a desire to visit
another planet, I recommend a trip to Iceland.
I've only ever flown through on a stopover, but
even from a plane window the landscape is like
nothing else.


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