
* Titan: A World of Its Own

OK, everyone anticipated that Titan was going to be interesting, but few expected it to be weirder than Michael Jackson. [Personally I think it is an insult to Titan to be compared to Michael Jackson...]

* The NSS Attends the Hollywood Premier of 'Aliens of the Deep'

It is not often when a science documentary can play as an adventure film. Of course, with someone like director James Cameron at the helm, you expect the best, and in the case of his new IMAX 3Dfilm, "Aliens of the Deep", he delivers.

* Best Way to Make Mars Habitable: Inject Greenhouse Gas

The best way to make Mars habitable would be to inject synthetic greenhouse gases into its atmosphere, researchers said Thursday.

* ASTRONOTES! More Evidence a Supernova Shaped Solar System

A new discovery adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting one or more exploding stars affected the development of our solar system.

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