EV Digest 6657

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Regen-smeegen, how about REHEAT?
        by Tom Gocze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) RE: EV APU (genset) emissions & FE
        by "David Roden (Akron OH USA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Re: Zener reg question
        by Lee Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) ReVolt, Chelsea and Chris and the Power of DC
        by Joseph Lado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Re: EV APU (genset) emissions & FE
        by "Phil Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Where Have All the Bees Gone?
        by GWMobile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) EVLN(Otmar Ebenhoech on Peak Moment Television)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) EVLN(Austin, TX EV rebates: only for new nEVs, Escooters, Ebicycles)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) EVLN(42,000 electric 3wheel taxi cabs for Mexico)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) EVLN(China's rare earth used in future EVs)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) EVLN(NC DOE & WI grant$ EV project funding)
        by bruce parmenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) Re: EV APU (genset) emissions & FE
        by john fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) Re: Getting Highschools started in EV conversions?
        by Bob Bath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Begin Message --- Been thinking about coming down Mt. Washington and all the talk about regen and braking electrically.
Can anyone tell me if this might toast a controller?:

How about a big braking resistor, like I use for contactor controllers that comes across the motor connections either manually via a relay or automatically, whenever you hit the brake real hard? Would that bother a Curtis controller when it is not powering the motor? Would seem not to??

Given Mt. Washington is a lot like Maine, we could use the heat, as well as in any EV in the northern tier of states for a lot of the year.

Tom in Maine (was a little chilly yesterday)

--- End Message ---
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On 10 Apr 2007 at 11:58, childreypa wrote:

> However, what if you were to run a generator using a
> driver designed with efficiency and greenness in mind. Say a 1.0L Geo
> metro engine. Running at constant rpm, powering an efficient generator, I
> hypothesize that it would be possible to get just as good gpm as the metro
> and still have the all electric capability provided the ICE was mounted in
> the vehicle.

Running an automotive ICE at a constant speed, and tuning it for that speed, 
made a big difference 30 or 40 years ago when ICEs were fitted with fixed-jet 
carburetors, and the sum of their adjustment for varying speeds and loads 
was vacuum and centrifugal ignition advance.  In those days, series hybrids 
could actually produce improved mpg by leveling the load on the engine, so it 
could be optimized for that load.

Today ICEs have computers talking with sophisticated sensors for operating 
conditions.  The computers control electronic fuel injection, ignition timing, 
and even valve timing.  In modern ICEs, there's little if anything to be gained 
by fixed-speed operation.  Any gain will be more than offset by the losses in 
energy conversion to electricity.  

Serial hybrids are now very difficult to optimize for efficiency.  Someone 
pointed out that AC Propulsion's Honda Civic conversion could make 35 mpg 
on the highway with its genset trailer.  That's pretty good - you'd expect no 
less from a smart engineer like Alan Cocconi.  However, my Honda Civic VX  
ICE - same vintage as his conversion - can easily hit 50 mpg on the highway 
(it's EPA rated at 56 mpg).  

Also keep in mind the difficult problem of controlling emissions in an engine 
that is shut down and restarted.  Every restart means higher exhaust 
emissions until the control system again warms up and stabilizes.  The quasi-
hybrids from Toyota and Honda would get even better mpg if they didn't have 
to program the computers to watch out for this issue.  Getting the catalytic 
converter up to temperature and keeping it there is a priority for these cars.

Bottom line is that a good strategy for maximizing your transportation 
efficiency is to have two vehicles in your household - an EV for short trips, 
and an ICE for longer ones.  (Actually, a bicycle or even an e-bike in the mix 
would improve the efficiency even more.)  The next best strategy (perhaps 
more practical for some) is a parallel hybrid.  A series hybrid will be much 
further down the list.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Frank John wrote:
I installed Lee's zener diode regs on my small m-cycle conversion (36
VDC) and am noticing that the third (most +'ve) light isn't as bright
as the other two (I'm using three 12 volt agm batteries).  The most -'ve 
battery reads .1 volt higher than the
middle battery, and the middle battery reads .1 VDC higher than the
last (most +'ve) battery.  It appears that there's not enough current
being bypassed.  Is this a correct assumption?  I'm thinking that another bulb 
in parallel with the PR2 might help.  While I'm thinking
about it, does the last battery in series really need the bypass scheme?

Since batteries are all at least a little bit different, you shouldn't expect all the lights to be the same -- that's the proof that balancing is needed!

I'd measure the voltage across each battery when you see the lamps at different brightnesses. You should find that the dimmer one is at a lower voltage, evidence that it is taking more charging current to reach the same state of charge as the other two.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget the perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in    --    Leonard Cohen
Lee A. Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, leeahart_at_earthlink.net

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

For the last week the Vote for the Volt site has not been
functioning. The Chevy Volt is a concept automobile that runs mainly off of
electricity that it gets off of either by being connected to an ordinary
household outlet or through an on board generator. Because the drive train is
all electric the fuel to generate the electricity needed to keep the vehicle
moving can be flexible. It isn’t the Volt that I want GM to produce, but a
flexible fuel vehicle that can use electricity as one of its many fuels. You
may have read my posts where I talk about the Mufpishvee concept. This is a
multi-fuel, flexible fuel, plug-in, series hybrid vehicle (MF-FF-PSHV). By
having a variety of choices in fuels no one fuel can hold us hostage to what
has occurred with oil, that being that terror, natural disaster, oversupply,
undersupply, hording etc. can affect the price. We as Americans should be free
to choose which fuel we want to use to power our vehicles, whether they be for
environmental, political, strategic or religious reasons, the choice should be
ours. My hope is that by having very large numbers of people voting for the
vehicle, maybe GM will realize that there is real demand behind a product like
this one. Demand typically is the driving force behind production. So, please
help me once again in sending a message to GM that we want them to produce fuel
efficient vehicles that can be fueled from a variety of sources. I want
everyone who reads this to go to the Chevy site and vote for the Volt. 



here to go to the Chevy Volt website  When at the site
go to the lower part of the page and to the left. Click on 
Vote for Volt Survey.  


If you want to send a message directly to GM you can
follow the link below. 




You may want to put something like this:


“I want buy a vehicle like the Volt that plugs in for
electric charging, but also has unlimited range through a flexible fuel


PS. Electric Vehicle activist like me in the Washington,
DC area have put together a demonstration of electric vehicles happening on
June 2nd and 3rd. This happening is called the Power of DC. It is a 
of electric maneuverability, rang and look on June 2nd at the Hagerstown
Community College parking lot and an official drag race on Sunday, June 3rd. We
are still looking for more vehicles to participate. The event on Sunday we are
hoping will be more of a gallery event. So if there are schools out there that
want to show off their vehicles and not actually race them please go to the
link below and communicate with the organizer. We would love to see super
efficient vehicles, solar vehicles and the like on display so that spectators
can see what alternative vehicles and fuels are all about. We also need
sponsors, donators and advertisers as well. http://www.powerofdc.com/ JL


PSS. Chelsea Sexton and Chris Paine of the movie Who
Killed the Electric Car? will be speaking at the Northern Virginia Community
College’s Loudon Campus this April 11th. There will be electric vehicles there
from EVA/DC as well. http://www.nvcc.edu/loudoun/directions/default.htm  JL


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From: john fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: Re: EV APU (genset) emissions & FE
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:29:29 -0700

and yet its my impression that the new hybrid trucks get most or all of their increased efficiency from regen.

John - can you tell why you have this impression?

I would think that at least some of the increase in efficiency comes from having a smaller ICE engine, which is running at a higher percentage of full power.

And it may be that, like the Prius, hybrid trucks also include other efficiency-increasing features.


Is it a matter of their
far-greater mass? Don't the car hybrids gain a lot of efficiency in city driving from regen? Do they just have more sophisticated systems?

Peter VanDerWal wrote:

That's because the "benifits" are generally negligible.  ...

Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live! http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/mcrssaub0050001411mrt/direct/01/
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Interesting analysis of the shortage of crops for ethanol.

Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:08:58 -0000

Where Have All the Bees Gone?
And Other Reflections on the Internationalization of Genocide

By Fidel Castro

04/-8/-7 "ICH" -- -- The Camp David meeting has just come to an end.
All of us followed the press conference offered by the presidents of
the United States and Brazil attentively, as we did the news
surrounding the meeting and the opinions voiced in this connection.

Faced with demands related to customs duties and subsidies which
protect and support US ethanol production, Bush did not make the
slightest concession to his Brazilian guest at Camp David.

President Lula attributed to this the rise in corn prices, which,
according to his own statements, had gone up more than 85 percent.

Before these statements were made, the Washington Post had published
an article by the Brazilian leader which expounded on the idea of
transforming food into fuel.

It is not my intention to hurt Brazil or to meddle in the internal
affairs of this great country. It was in effect in Rio de Janeiro,
host of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,
exactly 15 years ago, where I delivered a 7-minute speech vehemently
denouncing the environmental dangers that menaced our species'
survival. Bush Sr., then President of the United States, was present
at that meeting and applauded my words out of courtesy; all other
presidents there applauded, too.

No one at Camp David answered the fundamental question. Where are the
more than 500 million tons of corn and other cereals which the United
States, Europe and wealthy nations require to produce the gallons of
ethanol that big companies in the United States and other countries
demand in exchange for their voluminous investments going to be
produced and who is going to supply them? Where are the soy,
sunflower and rape seeds, whose essential oils these same, wealthy
nations are to turn into fuel, going to be produced and who will
produce them?

Some countries are food producers which export their surpluses. The
balance of exporters and consumers had already become precarious
before this and food prices had skyrocketed. In the interests of
brevity, I shall limit myself to pointing out the following:

According to recent data, the five chief producers of corn, barley,
sorghum, rye, millet and oats which Bush wants to transform into the
raw material of ethanol production, supply the world market with 679
million tons of these products. Similarly, the five chief consumers,
some of which also produce these grains, currently require 604
million annual tons of these products. The available surplus is less
than 80 million tons of grain.

This colossal squandering of cereals destined to fuel production -and
these estimates do not include data on oily seeds-shall serve to save
rich countries less than 15 percent of the total annual consumption
of their voracious automobiles.

At Camp David, Bush declared his intention of applying this formula
around the world. This spells nothing other than the
internationalization of genocide.

In his statements, published by the Washington Post on the eve of the
Camp David meeting, the Brazilian president affirmed that less than
one percent of Brazil's arable land was used to grow cane destined to
ethanol production. This is nearly three times the land surface Cuba
used when it produced nearly 10 million tons of sugar a year, before
the crisis that befell the Soviet Union and the advent of climate

Our country has been producing and exporting sugar for a longer time.
First, on the basis of the work of slaves, whose numbers swelled to
over 300 thousand in the first years of the 19th century and who
turned the Spanish colony into the world's number one exporter.
Nearly one hundred years later, at the beginning of the 20th century,
when Cuba was a pseudo-republic which had been denied full
independence by US interventionism, it was immigrants from the West
Indies and illiterate Cubans alone who bore the burden of growing and
harvesting sugarcane on the island. The scourge of our people was the
off-season, inherent to the cyclical nature of the harvest. Sugarcane
plantations were the property of US companies or powerful Cuban-born
landowners. Cuba, thus, has more experience than anyone as regards
the social impact of this crop.

This past Sunday, April 1, CNN televised the opinions of Brazilian
experts who affirm that many lands destined to sugarcane have been
purchased by wealthy Americans and Europeans.

As part of my reflections on the subject, published on March 29, I
expounded on the impact climate change has had on Cuba and on other
basic characteristics of our country's climate which contribute to

On our poor and anything but consumerist island, one would be unable
to find enough workers to endure the rigors of the harvest and to
care for the sugarcane plantations in the ever more intense heat,
rains or droughts. When hurricanes lash the island, not even the best
machines can harvest the bent-over and twisted canes. For centuries,
the practice of burning sugarcane was unknown and no soil was
compacted under the weight of complex machines and enormous trucks.
Nitrogen, potassium and phosphate fertilizers, today extremely
expensive, did not yet even exist, and the dry and wet months
succeeded each other regularly. In modern agriculture, no high yields
are possible without crop rotation methods.

On Sunday, April 1, the French Press Agency (AFP) published
disquieting reports on the subject of climate change, which experts
gathered by the United Nations already consider an inevitable
phenomenon that will spell serious repercussions for the world in the
coming decades.

According to a UN report to be approved next week in Brussels,
climate change will have a significant impact on the American
continent, generating more violent storms and heat waves and causing
droughts, the extinction of some species and even hunger in Latin

The AFP report indicates that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) forewarned that at the end of this century, every
hemisphere will endure water-related problems and, if governments
take no measures in this connection, rising temperatures could
increase the risks of mortality, contamination, natural catastrophes
and infectious diseases.

In Latin America, global warming is already melting glaciers in the
Andes and threatening the Amazon forest, whose perimeter may slowly
be turned into a savannah, the cable goes on to report.

Because a great part of its population lives near the coast, the
United States is also vulnerable to extreme natural phenomena, as
hurricane Katrina demonstrated in 2005.
According to AFP, this is the second of three IPCC reports which
began to be published last February, following an initial scientific
forecast which established the certainty of climate change.

This second 1400-page report which analyzes climate change in
different sectors and regions, of which AFP has obtained a copy,
considers that, even if radical measures to reduce carbon dioxide
emissions that pollute the atmosphere are taken, the rise in
temperatures around the planet in the coming decades is already
unavoidable, concludes the French Press Agency.

As was to be expected, at the Camp David meeting, Dan Fisk, National
Security advisor for the region, declared that "in the discussion on
regional issues, [I expect] Cuba to come up () if there's anyone that
knows how to create starvation, it's Fidel Castro. He also knows how
not to do ethanol".

As I find myself obliged to respond to this gentleman, it is my duty
to remind him that Cuba's infant mortality rate is lower than the
United States'. All citizens -- this is beyond question -- enjoy free
medical services. Everyone has access to education and no one is
denied employment, in spite of nearly half a century of economic
blockade and the attempts of US governments to starve and
economically asphyxiate the people of Cuba.

China would never devote a single ton of cereals or leguminous plants
to the production of ethanol, and it is an economically prosperous
nation which is breaking growth records, where all citizens earn the
income they need to purchase essential consumer items, despite the
fact that 48 percent of its population, which exceeds 1.3 billion,
works in agriculture. On the contrary, it has set out to reduce
energy consumption considerably by shutting down thousands of
factories which consume unacceptable amounts of electricity and
hydrocarbons. It imports many of the food products mentioned above
from far-off corners of the world, transporting these over thousands
of miles.

Scores of countries do not produce hydrocarbons and are unable to
produce corn and other grains or oily seeds, for they do not even
have enough water to meet their most basic needs.

At a meeting on ethanol production held in Buenos Aires by the
Argentine Oil Industry Chamber and Cereals Exporters Association,
Loek Boonekamp, the Dutch head of the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD)'s commercial and marketing
division, told the press that governments are very much enthused
about this process but that they should objectively consider whether
ethanol ought to be given such resolute support.

According to Boonekamp, the United States is the only country where
ethanol can be profitable and, without subsidies, no other country
can make it viable.

According to the report, Boonekamp insists that ethanol is not manna
from Heaven and that we should not blindly commit to developing this

Today, developed countries are pushing to have fossil fuels mixed
with biofuels at around five percent and this is already affecting
agricultural prices. If this figure went up to 10 percent, 30 percent
of the United States' cultivated surface and 50 percent of Europe's
would be required. That is the reason Boonekamp asks himself whether
the process is sustainable, as an increase in the demand for crops
destined to ethanol production would generate higher and less stable

Protectionist measures are today at 54 cents per gallon and real
subsidies reach far higher figures.

Applying the simple arithmetic we learned in high school, we could
show how, by simply replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent
ones, as I explained in my previous reflections, millions and
millions of dollars in investment and energy could be saved, without
the need to use a single acre of farming land.

In the meantime, we are receiving news from Washington, through the
AP, reporting that the mysterious disappearance of millions of bees
throughout the United States has edged beekeepers to the brink of a
nervous breakdown and is even cause for concern in Congress, which
will discuss this Thursday the critical situation facing this insect,
essential to the agricultural sector. According to the report, the
first disquieting signs of this enigma became evident shortly after
Christmas in the state of Florida, when beekeepers discovered that
their bees had vanished without a trace. Since then, the syndrome
which experts have christened as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has
reduced the country's swarms by 25 percent.

Daniel Weaver, president of the US Beekeepers Association, stated
that more than half a million colonies, each with a population of
nearly 50 thousand bees, had been lost. He added that the syndrome
has struck 30 of the country's 50 states. What is curious about the
phenomenon is that, in many cases, the mortal remains of the bees are
not found.

According to a study conducted by Cornell University, these
industrious insects pollinate crops valued at anywhere from 12 to 14
billion dollars.

Scientists are entertaining all kinds of hypotheses, including the
theory that a pesticide may have caused the bees' neurological damage
and altered their sense of orientation. Others lay the blame on the
drought and even mobile phone waves, but, what's certain is that no
one knows exactly what has unleashed this syndrome.

The worst may be yet to come: a new war aimed at securing gas and oil
supplies that can take humanity to the brink of total annihilation.

Invoking intelligence sources, Russian newspapers have reported that
a war on Iran has been in the works for over three years now, since
the day the government of the United States resolved to occupy Iraq
completely, unleashing a seemingly endless and despicable civil war.

All the while, the government of the United States devotes hundreds
of billions to the development of highly sophisticated technologies,
as those which employ micro-electronic systems or new nuclear weapons
which can strike their targets an hour following the order to attack.

The United States brazenly turns a deaf ear to world public opinion,
which is against all kinds of nuclear weapons.

Razing all of Iran's factories to the ground is a relatively easy
task, from the technical point of view, for a powerful country like
the United States. The difficult task may come later, if a new war
were to be unleashed against another Muslim faith which deserves our
utmost respect, as do all other religions of the Near, Middle or Far
East, predating or postdating Christianity.

The arrest of English soldiers at Iran's territorial waters recalls
the nearly identical act of provocation of the so-called "Brothers to
the Rescue" who, ignoring President Clinton's orders advanced over
our country's territorial waters. Cuba's absolutely legitimate and
defensive action gave the United States a pretext to promulgate the
well-known Helms-Burton Act, which encroaches upon the sovereignty of
other nations besides Cuba. The powerful media have consigned that
episode to oblivion. No few people attribute the price of oil, at
nearly 70 dollars a gallon as of Monday, to fears of a possible
invasion of Iran.

Where shall poor Third World countries find the basic resources
needed to survive?

I am not exaggerating or using overblown language. I am confining
myself to the facts.

As can be seen, the polyhedron has many dark faces.

www.GlobalBoiling.com for daily images about hurricanes, globalwarming and the melting poles.

www.ElectricQuakes.com daily solar and earthquake images.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
EVLN(Otmar Ebenhoech on Peak Moment Television)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Peak Moment Television presents five new online videos
By: Peak Moment Television  Published: Apr 4, 2007 at 08:23

Moment Television has produced five new online videos focusing on
community localization topics from local currency to electric
cars, plus a conversation with Richard Heinberg. You can watch or
listen at www.peakmoment.tv. Peak Moment: Community Responses for
a Changing Energy Future is a television series emphasizing
positive responses to energy decline and climate change through
local community action. The new programs are:


52 Return of the Electric Car Otmar Ebenhoech has worked with
electric vehicles for decades, watching as popular commercial EVs
were developed, then recalled when their legal mandate was
overturned. He sees improved battery technologies as the catalyst
to enable widespread acceptance of EVs. Peek under the hood and
watch a test drive of his hot electric Porsche race car
conversion (0-60 in less than 5 seconds!).
These half-hour video conversations and on-site tours highlight
individuals, businesses, organizations and communities working
towards sustainability and economic localization: How can we
thrive, build self-reliant communities, and help one another in
the transition from a fossil fuel-based lifestyle?

The series is cablecast on community access TV stations
nationwide and are available on DVD. It is shown locally on NCTV,
cable channel 11, Thursdays 7:00 pm and Tuesdays 3:30 pm. It also
shows locally on Auburn, Davis, and Sacramento Community Access
TV. A listing of stations nationwide is on the Peak Moment

Peak Moment is hosted and produced by Janaia Donaldson and
directed by Robyn Mallgren of Yuba Gals Independent Media, Nevada
City, California, who gratefully acknowledge Global Public Media
and YouTube for hosting media available on www.peakmoment.tv.

Copyright © 2007 YubaNet.com, all rights reserved.




Return of the Electric Car
Episode 52: Otmar Ebenhoech has worked with electric vehicles for
decades, watching as popular commercial EVs were developed, then
recalled when their legal mandate was overturned. He sees
improved battery technologies as the critical factor for viable
future EVs. Peek under the hood and watch a test drive of his hot
electric Porsche race car conversion (0-60 in less than 5
seconds!). www.cafeelectric.com ]

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
EVLN(Austin, TX EV rebates: only for new nEVs, Escooters,
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Austin Energy offers rebates for electric cars
4/2/2007 590 KLBJ-AM

Officials at Austin Energy hope offering rebates to its customers
who buy electric vehicles will help spur sales of those
low-polluting cars and scooters. Unlike hybrid vehicles, electric
vehicles use no gasoline and are designed to recharge by plugging
into a standard electric outlet. For many of those vehicles,
recharging overnight costs less than $1.

The primary goal of the program is to reduce air pollution by
getting cleaner vehicles on the road to replace traditional cars
and trucks. “Electricity is a cleaner fuel to use,” said Stacy
Neef with Central Texas Clean Cities, which is co-sponsoring the
rebate program. “They’re ‘zero emissions’.”

The rebate program offers $250 for purchasing electric cars, $100
for electric scooters, and $50 for electric bikes. The rebate is
only available to Austin Energy customers who intend to live
within the Austin Energy service area for at least five years.

© 2007 Emmis Austin Radio Broadcasting Company, Lp. All Rights


Visit http://www.gemcar.com for further information.

Global Electric Motorcars (GEM), a DaimlerChrysler company, will
be joining Austin Energy of Texas, along with Allen Samuels Dodge
of Austin, in a rebate program that rewards Austin Energy
customers who purchase electric vehicles, including NEVs.

Austin, Texas – Global Electric Motorcars (GEM), a
DaimlerChrysler company, will be joining Austin Energy of Texas,
along with Allen Samuels Dodge of Austin, in a rebate program
that rewards Austin Energy customers who purchase electric
vehicles, including NEVs. Qualified Austin Energy customers will
receive a $250 rebate. During the program period, GEM purchasers
are also eligible for an additional $100 to $500 coupon discount,
depending on the model choice.

This innovative approach to energy conservation incentives was
first discussed at the 2006 Alternative Energy and Vehicles
Conference and goes into effect during this year’s conference in
Anaheim, Calif., April 1-4.

We are thrilled to partner with Austin Energy. It’s a real
pleasure for us to be able to reward people who are working to
lessen their energy consumption and using our vehicles to do it,”
says Rick Kasper, GEM president and COO.

GEM, the industry leader in NEV development and manufacturing, is
now in its tenth year at the forefront of the battery-electric
vehicle movement.

More than 33,000 GEM vehicles are on the road today, eliminating
the cold starts and tailpipe emissions that contribute to
pollution and green house gas concerns.

GEM vehicles will be featured during both the ride and drive and
product review portions of the AFV Conference.

More information on the Austin Energy program is available at
details about the GEM coupon can be found at www.gemcar.com.
Additional information and news from DaimlerChrysler is available
at www.media.daimlerchrysler.com.

For more information about the conference visit
© Earthtoys Inc. 2002 - 2007


Electric Vehicle Rebate — Guidelines, Dealerships, and Vehicles
Application Guidelines

The applicant must be an Austin Energy electric customer.

The applicant intends to live in the Austin Energy service area
for a minimum of five years.

Five (5) qualifying electric vehicles, of any combination, per
applicant are eligible.

The all-electric vehicle must be new and purchased from the
approved dealership list [below].

The applicant may receive the following rebates: $250 for
all-electric cars, $100 for all-electric scooters, and $50 for
all-electric bicycles.

Rebate funding is limited and offered on a first-come,
first-served basis.

The final rebate level will be determined after Austin Energy
verifies the electric vehicle is a qualifying model and sold by
an approved dealership.

The current rebate is valid for the life of the program (March
31, 2009) or until the program funds are expended, whichever
occurs first.

The rebate application must be submitted within sixty (60) days
of vehicle purchase.

Approved participants will receive the rebate check six (6) to
eight (8) weeks from the date the application is approved.

Austin Energy reserves the right to perform a one-time spot
inspection to verify the purchase is a qualifying electric

Application guidelines and rebate levels are subject to change at
any time, without notice.

Apply for your rebate now.

Approved Dealerships

Alien Scooters
1122-B South Lamar, Austin, TX 78704
(512) 447-4220

Allen Samuels Dodge
7309 North IH-35, Austin, TX 78752
(512) 406-7000

Electric Avenue
7464 Prien Lane, #200, Pflugerville, TX 7866
(214) 707-0078

Electric Cars of Austin
704 North Lamar, Austin, TX 78703
(512) 472-4222

Shock Value
2711 South Lamar, Austin, TX 78704
(512) 462-3337

All dealerships are subject to change at any time, without

Approved Vehicles

[nEVs  Scooters  Bicycles]

All vehicle models are subject to change at any time, without

Apply for your rebate now.

Austin City Connection - The Official Web site of the City of
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[ http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/connect/email_stacyneef.htm ]
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Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

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. (originator of the above ASCII art)
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EVLN(42,000 electric 3wheel taxi cabs for Mexico)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
Armor Electric, Inc. and Electric Propulsion Systems Strategic
Partner Enter Into New Agreement

SOLANA BEACH, Calif., March 29, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Armor
Electric, Inc. announced today that the company has completed a
new agreement with their Electric Propulsion Systems (EPS)
Partner for the development, manufacture and sale of several
electric powered vehicles.

Included in the agreement is the three wheel taxi cab which has
been earmarked for distribution in Mexico and other countries.
The agreement outlines several key strategies regarding the
development, production and sale of several electric vehicles.

Merrill Moses, President of Armor Electric Inc., said, "I have
conducted business with this dynamic organization for a number of
years and have always been impressed with their innovative
approach to EPS applications. Armor is committed to continuing
our partnership in the development, production and sales of
electric powered vehicles with this organization. I believe that
the products we jointly bring to market will meet the demands of
the rapidly changing need for alternative transportation."

About Armor Electric, Inc.
Armor Electric, Inc. is a leader in the design, manufacture, and
distribution of electric battery power drive systems for land and
water vehicles.

This information may include forward-looking statements [...]
CONTACT:  Armor Electric, Inc.  Investor Relations 858.720.0354
[ http://armorelectric.com/new/home.htm ] 
Source: Armor Electric Inc.






Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere
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EVLN(China's rare earth used in future EVs)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
April 02, 2007 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Total Consumption of Rare Earth in China is Expected to Amount to
12,300 Tons by 2010
DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets
(http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c53085) has announced
the addition of China Rare Earth Industry Report, 2006 to their

In 2005, China rare earth industry witnessed a healthy and rapid
development. China's domestic application of rare earth reached
51,900 tons, accounting for nearly 50% of smelting and separating
rare earth products. Meanwhile, the economic returns have also
improved greatly. The total consumption of rare earth in China
amounted to 8,000 tons in 2005 and the figure will reach 12,300
tons by 2010.

China’s rare earth market has developed well in 2006. During the
first half of 2006, the price of rare earth increased
dramatically as well as the total export, particularly for the
strategic lanthanon such as terbia, dysprosium oxide, neodymium
oxide, neodymium and terbium, etc.

According to the statistics, there are 154 million tons of
exploitable rare earth reserves globally, among which 89 million
tons (about 58%) are distributed in China.
The global application of rare earth is forecasted to be 110,000
tons in 2007. The global demand for rare earth in 2010-2012 will
be 600,000 tons (including 350, 000 tons applied in hybrid
electric vehicle), half of which will come from China. The global
demand for rare earth in 2020-2025 will reach 2 million tons
(including over 1.5 million tons applied in hydrogen fuel
vehicle, hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle, each accounting for
1/3), some 35% (around 700.000 tons) of which will come from
For more information visit
Contacts Research and Markets Laura Wood Senior Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax: +353 1 4100 980
© Business Wire 2007

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere
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EVLN(NC DOE & WI grant$ EV project funding)
[The Internet Electric Vehicle List News. For Public EV
informational purposes. Contact publication for reprint rights.]
--- {EVangel}
N.C. Hands Out Nearly $800K in Grants for Alternative Fuel
Projects Posted: Apr. 2, 2007

RALEIGH, N.C. – Several companies and government agencies will
receive nearly $800,000 in grants from the North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources to fund
alternative fuel projects.

In all, 14 projects in 11 counties received the funds.

The projects:
The town of Black Mountain in Buncombe County received $10,504 to
purchase an electric vehicle.
Haywood Community College received $9,648.75 to purchase an
electric vehicle.
Old Salem Museum in Forsyth County received $13,175 to purchase
an electric vehicle.

Copyright 2007 by WRAL.com. All rights reserved.


Bayfield Community Education Foundation awards grants
The Daily Press  Monday, April 02nd, 2007 10:00:49 AM

Dedicated to facilitating the achievement of educational
excellence through strengthening community participation and
providing financial support for innovative programs and creative
projects that inspire teachers and students to achieve
excellence, the Bayfield Community Education Foundation (BCEF) is
pleased to announce the award of just over $8,000 in grant monies
to fund education projects in the Bayfield School District during
the 2006-2007 school year. Awardees include:
Rick Erickson and Dave Doering/Bayfield High School,
Electric-Assist Pedal Vehicle - Students will build a vehicle
that merges an electric vehicle with a bicycle. Electric-Assist
pedal systems allow a cyclist to use a motor to assist in
locomotion when wanted (i.e. climbing a hill). This project will
adapt the system to a commuter-type vehicle that is more stable
and versatile than a bicycle.
Since its inception in 1966, the BCEF endowment has donated in
excess of $40,000 toward the advancement of innovative education
programs and projects in the Bayfield School District. The
endowment is funded through private gifts from individuals,
corporations, associations and other entities. If you are
interested in making a contribution or would like more
information, please direct inquiries to BCEF, P.O. Box 921,
Bayfield, WI 54814 or phone (715)-779-3107.

Copyright © 1998-2006 MultiMedia Interactive. All rights reserved

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

' ____
'@----- @'---(=
. http://geocities.com/brucedp/
. EV List Editor & AFV newswires
. (originator of the above ASCII art)
===== Undo Petroleum Everywhere
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--- End Message ---
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FYI D&D just responded with a request for info. so they are paying attention.

john fisher wrote:

I got no answer from D&D when I asked   :(

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--- Begin Message ---
I'll leave this thread after this post.  Apparently my
original question is too difficult to answer for the
originators of the thread:

Is the idea of EV racing for a HS science class, or a
Voc.Ed program, or an afterschool or elective program?

Obviously both would benefit from racing and more
importantly, building an EV. So let's go ahead and
kick a dead horse.

My question relates more to where the biggest impact
goes and the bigger issues, all of which an inspired
educator can surmount--
- Liability from injury when burns, broken bones
occur.  And they will.
- What curriculum gets tossed so that science students
can fabricate (not part of the curriculum, but
practical) or so that Voc. Ed. students can learn the
advantages of AC over DC (I'm using generalities) also
not part of _their_ curriculum, but a motivator for
them to take more science classes.
- Do we touch on the (recent) history of EVs, so that
Voc. Ed kids can intelligently articulate the
advantages and PR issues surrounding EV marketing, or
just have a heck of a great time improving a racing EV
and assuming they will "research that (PR) stuff on
their own".  

   I'm a realist.  I teach @ middle school, and I'm
not ready to do battle writing a grant for welding
supplies and a hoist, showing up in front of a school
board to ask if my kids can build an EV replete with
high voltages and at least 9K in expenses and the
possibility that kids will crush a body part.  I'm
saying this as a teacher who has won $13,000 in grants
and I don't crack a science text the whole year; it's
entirely hands-on and other interactive modes.  HS? 

Do my kids have to learn about EVs and do SG and
voltage readings?  Do they have to know whether my
batteries are wired in series or parallel?  Do they
have to know what duty-cycle is?  Modes of energy
production and transformation and efficiency?  Yep. 
All part of a science framework.  It's way more than
No Child Left Behind.  It's about being able to
transfer their EV and other lab experiences into other
workplace and real-life situations.

Hope that helps, 

--- Chip Gribben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is great to hear from the students themselves
> and the  
> enthusiasm. Good job Michael!
> And I agree with Lee.
> Hands-on experience and practical theory, in my
> opinion is the best  
> classroom. Sitting in a school classroom learning
> about theories  
> scribbled out on a chalkboard doesn't have the same
> effect as  
> learning out in the garage and race track.
> And there are some PROVEN success stories. Some of
> the students at  
> Shenandoah Valley Regional Governor's School
> graduated from the EV  
> program there to become involved in the EV program
> at West Virginia  
> University. Roy Nutter, who is a professor at WVU
> can attest to that.  
> Those kids probably did pretty well in their high
> school standardized  
> tests and the SATs to get into college, even though
> they were out  
> tinkering in the garage on their electric 240-Z and
> Porsche.
> I do see Bob's take on the issue. Testing is
> important and has its  
> place.  But I believe it can go too far. "No Child
> Left Behind" has  
> put a big emphasis on statewide testing to the
> detriment of those  
> bright students who often do poorly in testing
> situations. They are  
> often the ones that get left behind. State schools
> strive to do well  
> in standardized testing so they can continue to
> receive federal and  
> state funding. But that goal often overshadows the
> individual needs  
> of the students, particularly those that need
> educational assistance.
> These garage programs won't replace testing and if
> anything can only  
> enhance academic knowledge. They can fill the
> educational void that I  
> believe state administered testing creates.
> We actually need to step it up and get even more
> schools involved in  
> EV garage programs.
> And I have a question for Bob. Does he have the same
> concern with  
> high school sports?
> Chip Gribben
> On Apr 9, 2007, at 2:24 AM, Electric Vehicle
> Discussion List wrote:
> > From: "Michael Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: April 8, 2007 11:48:04 PM EDT
> > To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> > Subject: Re: Getting Highschools started in EV
> conversions?
> >
> >
> > Personally as a High-School student I believe that
> doing my EV  
> > conversion is going to teach me so much.  Such as
> electrical  
> > circuits, Physics, Mathematics.  I mean what isn't
> there to learn  
> > from an EV conversion.  Also it deals with Earth
> Sciences, and also  
> > stuff like CWI (current world issues).  Also kids
> will be able to  
> > learn basic mechanics and all the auto-shop skills
> that a normal  
> > Auto class provides.  So I think that it should be
> a high priority  
> > to get something like this started in public
> High-Schools, and it  
> > doesn't have to be a class, it could be something
> like an after- 
> > school club/activity.
> >
> > Also I think that there will be plenty of students
> willing to do  
> > something like this.  Just talking to my friends
> about my Datsun  
> > that My dad and I are converting, it kinda makes
> them jelous.
> >
> > Anyway that's my two-bits
> >
> > ~Michael (Damon's Son)
> >
> > Btw, 1st post!
> >
> >
> >> From: Lee Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Reply-To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> >> To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> >> Subject: Re: Getting Highschools started in EV
> conversions?
> >> Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 21:59:37 -0400 (EDT)
> >>
> >> >> When I see "racing" and "competition", I fear
> the
> >> >> education component is about to go by the
> wayside,
> >> >> and a teacher is about to get a note in the
> file,
> >> >> if not fired, for failing to carry out state
> and
> >> >> district-mandated objectives. That's our
> (teachers')
> >> >> job.
> >>
> >> From: BadFishRacing
> >> > Woah Bob.  Am I misunderstanding, or are you
> saying "Racing"
> >> > and "Competition" is not educational?
> >>
> >> 'Fraid so!
> >>
> >> "All children are born scientists and engineers.
> Watch them at  
> >> play; they are experimenting, building, and
> learning. That's  
> >> engineering! Then we spend years in school
> squashing it out of them."
> >> -- Geoffrey Orsak, dean of engineering, Southern
> Methodist University
> >>
> >> The hardest part of our BEST program is to avoid
> the testing and  
> >> "cookie cutter" approach to education mandated by
> the government  
> >> and school administration. For the most part, we
> "fly below their  
> >> radar". BEST gives kids a direct, personal reason
> for learning --  
> >> they want to build things! And, we spend more
> time teaching them  
> >> *how* to think, and less on *what* to think.
> >>
> >> In BEST, there are no tests; if it works, it's
> good, and the kids  
> >> can judge that for themselves. Copying or looking
> up answers is  
> >> not cheating; it's how you learn and move
> forward. There are no  
> >> authorities; only experts.
> >>
> >> The teachers we work with need to be comfortable
> operating outside  
> >> the "official" curriculum. It's getting harder
> and harder, as  
> >> administrations keep trying to micro-manage
> things ever more  
> >> rigorously in the classroom.
> >>
> >> --
> >> "Those who say it cannot be done should not
> interrupt the one who is
> >> doing it."    --    Chinese proverb
> >> --
> >> Lee A. Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377
> >>
> >
> > ________________

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