Thanks Folk's,
Thanks Dave, Lee & Steve for the E-tractor suggestions.  I had two E-15 Elec 
Trak's many moons ago I bumped up to 48V and replaced the pre-Apollo wiring 
with Club Car controls for traction and one for blades.  The problem is, I live 
on a 30% grade on the side of a south facing mountain (good for solar) but the 
E-tractor didn't work very well, fell over when going sideways and wouldn't go 
up hill, just rear wheels spun so I sold them.  
The electric Muck Truck or Toro Dingo might work.  I need something I can walk 
behind through the forest (narrow-manueverable) and fill with firewood at the 
bottom of the mountain & go up.  I may convert a 2-wheel-barrow cart from a 
Honda 500 Silver-Wing motorcycle drive I scrounged.  I think a single wheel 
cart might be difficult full of firewood.  The 4 wheel drive muck truck would 
work but looks expensive, didn't see the price on their website which usually 
means I can't afford it.
Have a renewable energy day,
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