Hi Folk's,


Since swapping the brush locations (front rear), the rear brushes that were 
shorter are still wearing faster than the other 4 just now in the front 
location so it appears that the first one's to seat, suck most of the current 
(on the 9" "Impulse").  I ordered a milli-ohm meter (to compare to the one I 
borrowed) to verify the .2 milli-ohm between the bar that feeds the front 
brushes.  George at Netgain has been very nice sending 3 sets of brushes over 
the last 10k miles since the motor is over a year old and I'm sure out of 
warranty.  I'm just curious to what is causing the disimilar brush wear and the 
pattern seams consistent.  It's always the rear brushes that seat and then wear 
first shunting the current away from the front.  But when I swap the positions 
the shorter brushes - now on the front continue wearing fast (wear down in 3K 
miles).  I'm treating the others like a spare tire, giving another 3k miles for 
6k total but most of the current is really gooing through a sing
 le brush instead of two, thus overcurrenting it and resulting in faster wear.


Best Regards,


www.REEVA.info community service RE & EV's
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