You just convinced me not to buy the Crowns.  Too much risk.  Trojans are
more proven, so if I have to spend $2k on a battery pack, I need it to last. 
Lots of cars on EVAlbum have T1275's and the consensus is that with 12 of
them I should get 25 miles (max) as long as I stay out of the cold. Many
people have got 10-15k miles out of a pack, 3-4 years of use.  That's good
enough for me.  Plus, they fit in the car because that is what it was
designed to so no trying to squeeze a different battery in and having cable
length or battery rack problems.  I don't think the range would be any
better with 15 T875's.  It's about the same amount of lead.

The whole charging issue you mention is real.  And, I believe you have to
adjust your algorithm with outside temperature and battery age.  The only
way to do that is have an adjustable charger, which I do have even though it
is a pain to adjust because there are no indicators on the pots and they are
multiturn.  Not sure with this charger (Zivan K2 that I took out of my other
car) I can ever get it dialed in perfect, but it has to be a whole lot
better than the QuickCharger that is in there now which has no adjustment. 
Don't know what algorithm QuickCharge uses, but I'm sure it isn't perfectly
matched to the T1275's.  Really surprising that pack has over 10k miles on
it using that charger.  I would have thought the quickcharger would have
overcharged them to death years ago.  I've see what it is doing.  Basically,
it does the CC / CV, and then a maintain charge.  But that maintain charge
looks like it is cooking the batteries pretty good.  Unless someone had an
external timer on it, I don't see how the batteries survived that charge
algorithm.  I'm sure not using it on a new set of batteries.

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