Audrey and I went to the Sarasota, FL event.  We were there last year
and like "Cruise" has pointed out, there were 1/2 as many conversions
this year at the event as there were last year.  I must say, I am a
little surprised by the way things are going.  I would have expected a
"blossoming" of EV's from every angle. More conversions and more
factory Ev's.  But What I am afraid we are seeing is half as many
conversions and twice as many factory.  Quite a while back I had taken
one of Lee's Quotes from Gahandi, about how they try to laugh at us,
ignore us, hate us and then we win... and I added " and then they take
what we have done and claim it as their own"...  I think this is what
is up setting to people like "Cruise" who probably takes Great pride
in his work.   Audrey is quite a bit the same way, she is very proud
of her little Green Bean that she has done so much work on her self (
I will take credit for Wielding the WHIP!!!).  Was it Rush that
pointed out  that we must have a positive attitude about these people
who are buying FACTORY EV's... and strutting around like proud
roosters about great things they have done, and how adventurous they
are.  One of the conversions at the Sarasota show had the lead acid
batteries and the owner had "artfully" attached a melted off battery
post !   Something, I am sure, no Tesla or Volt owner will EVER do !~!
For that matter it is doubtful, that anyone owning a factory EV will
ever  do ANYTHING to the car, other than plug it in.  Talking to most
people on a philosophical level, they will agree that probably our
main purpose here is to learn.  And what separates us from the lower
forms of intelligent life is our ability to learn and devise solutions
to problems.
When we see any animal or person who has ingeniously figured a way to
deal with their life's problems we always applaud that and tip our
My prediction is that we are going to continue to see a downward
spiral of home conversions for the next 7 years. ( Lee's 7 year  EV
cycle that he talks about).  At which point there will be enough
Leafs, Volts and Tesla's in the junk yard that DIY'ers  can pick up
battery packs and motors at a cheap price and build their own.   This
will be similar to what happened to the Hot Rods.  For those DIY'ers
that are feeling pushed out by the new Factory EV buyers, we must
remember the good times we have had, even though it may not have
seemed like it when we were dealing with the problems that we had to
in the past. We had a great opportunity for learning and it is really
not over.  At regular car shows, were people are showing off their
custom made hot rods, a nicely done EV conversion still has a place.

Steve Clunn
Steve Clunn
Merging the best of the past with
the best of the future.
For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

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