FROM: Willie2 <>

<Very enticing!

Steve Clunn has been wanting to convert a tractor for me and I've been
reluctant so far.>

I am working out here in B/CS Texas on the 18 Wheeler Project and the
Electrician has a tractor he is thinking of having me convert.  Life is
funny, I was excited about the 18 Wheeler Project, but when he brought the
tractor over with a blown diesel motor, it looked like the  "PERFECT"
>From what I have read about this tractor online, adding 600lbs would be a
good thing.   The 18 Wheeler Project is progressing, s l o w l y. The
Customers favorite words are..." Make it BEEFY"... LOL

Steve Clunn
Merging the best of the past with
the best of the future.
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