> >I believe he made it here (Fife) on Friday.  People from EVA Scotland went
> >to have dinner with him after our regular meeting.  My peugeot had eaten a
> >wheelbearing on the way (the wheel was leaning over!) so I slowly clunked
> >home instead.
> Here¹s a link to Robert¹s blog about the trip;
> http://llewblog.squarespace.com/electric-cars
> The drive took a lot of behind the scenes monitoring by the charging
> network providers but it did hold up well enough for the complete round
> trip without major incident. In total it took ~12 hours to drive 400 miles
> London to Edinburgh.
> Personally I would never rely on a charging network with little or no
> redundancy and have driven more than 51,000 miles in 3.5 years without
> using Œrapid¹ charging networks. IMO range will quickly kill off these
> networks in the UK.
Inclined to agree, even if they worked perfectly, I'd hate to have to rely
on them once there's more than a handful of cars running about.  The huge
cost of the installations must mean availability will always lag behind
High power AC sockets and lots of them would seem to be the way forward,
but somehow provision of charge points has become so complex and
communications dependent that they're possibly less reliable than the Rapid
chargers.  I've given up on public charging altogether until the situation
improves - unless there's an unencumbered 13A or 16A socket I can use for a
longer trip, I take the gasser.
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