It's 2014 now... a magic date for NiMH large format batteries.

Where are my cheap NiMH large format batteries?  Any news now that the
patents are expiring (expired?).

Just curious.


On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Bruce EVangel Parmenter
<> wrote:
> [In reference to
> EVLN: Ford And Tesla Pushing Toyota To Adopt Li-ion
> ]
> I pawed through the evdl nabble archive on this and found that ...
> Toyota had preferred to use NiMH for their hybrids for quite some time
> ...
> Toyota will stay with NiMH for 10+ years, Chevron-out/ECD-in +
> Dec 13, 2010
> The following newswire explains that TMC improved on the NiMH design
> (along with some other money saving techniques) ...
> EVLN: Building hybrids on the cheap
> Oct 12, 2012 ... Toyota Motor Corporation, instead of switching to
> Lithium-ion [Li-ion] battery packs, which are more expensive, was able
> to make its current Nickel-Metal Hydride [NiMH] battery packs more
> efficient. They did this by changing the shape of individual cells from
> cylindrical to flat, and modified the case to improve cooling and
> lifespan. Toyota also switched from 500 V to 650 V, a decision that
> produced "a host of benefits," says Justin Ward, advanced power-train
> program manager at the Toyota Technical Center. Toyota was able to
> reduce the size of the drive motor without sacrificing performance. This
> small change reduced the amount of copper needed in the motor assembly,
> and therefore the cost of the component ...
> Ford had switched to using Li-ion in their hybrids a while ago
> EVLN: Ford's New Hybrid Battery Pack Testing Techniques
> Jan 01, 2013 ... Unlike previous-generation vehicles from Ford's lineup
> that featured nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries, li-ion batteries
> offer numerous benefits - including a size 25 to 30 percent smaller, and
> the ability to provide about three times the amount of power per cell
> than the previous state-of-the-art NiMH battery technology ...
> With all this chatter about NiMH, it had me thinking, that maybe, just
> maybe NiMH would begin to be available the public (unlike before). We
> all know about the NiMH patent lockup so no one could get them:
> But the patent and manufacture of large format NiMH batteries has
> changed hands. Yet, a search really only shows individual cells yanked
> from hybrid vehicle packs for resale.
> -Where can a person buy large format NiMH cells to build a pack for
> their conversion?
> Some in the media may say it was the high energy density of Li-ion that
> got us where we are today. But it is more likely that the 'availability'
> of li-ion that really tells the story. So, I was wondering, what if NiMH
> 'had-been available' a decade ago and the CARB mandate had as much teeth
> (support) as it has today?
> {Dream mode on: let's assume NiMH large format cells/pack were available
> 10+years ago}
> So, if today's production EVs were using a NiMH pack of the same Ah
> density ...
> -The range would be the same, right? Or would a NiMH pack weigh more?
> -What would be the cost difference? Does the older NiMH technology cost
> less to manufacture? Perhaps now that li-ion is the standard, NiMH price
> will drop?
> If NiMH had not had the blockage to keep it from being available, (and
> political forces had allowed CARB to do their job), we could have had
> compliance EVs over ten years ago in the 2000's, right?
> Back then automakers would have to use their (older) ice sedan platforms
> for their compliance-car:
> Ford Escort
> Chevy Malibu
> Honda Civic
> In those days, there wasn't any L3 EVSE standard. But what if one had
> been implemented?
> -What is the %SOC point one wants to stop charging NiMH at high current
> levels? Is it 80% like with Li-ion?
> -Does the pack heat up more or less than li-ion and require cooling?
> Corrections & comments are welcome.
> {}
> --
> - Or how I learned to stop worrying and
>                           love email again
> _______________________________________________
> For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 
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Sean Korb
'65,'68 Mustangs,'68 Cougar,'78 R100/7,'60 Metro,'59 A35,'71 Pantera #1382
"The more you drive, the less intelligent you get" --Miller
"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers." -P. Picasso
For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

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