On 1 May 2014 at 14:57, David Nelson wrote:

> I have to say that Gmail has been marking an increasing number of list
> emails as spam even though I have the address in my contact list.

I hate to sound like the cynic that I am ;-), but I'm afraid that the 
spammers have very nearly destroyed email for all of us. Attempts to keep 
them out seem to be well on their way to finishing the job.

There's a lesson in there, I think, but it's WAY off topic for this list, 
and probably controversial to boot.  So we'll drop that one right now. :-)

Back to the topic at hand.  IMO, your options for usable email (and I don't 
mean just "usable with the EVDL") are narrowing.  

I think the "free" (ad-supported) services will soon be untenable.  I find 
it ironic that Yahoo and AOL are so concerned with DMARC policy when they 
host many webmail accounts held by pirates who've cracked the account 
logins.  (The EVDL's spam filters catch messages from these cracked Yahoo 
and AOL accounts almost every day.)

I think that the days of widely available "free" email are probably winding 
down.  Most folks who want good email will eventually have to pay for it.

At this point I'd recommend to those with a little tech savvy that rather 
than contracting with an email provider, they buy a cheap shared webhosting 
account, even if they don't expect to ever use the hosting.  I've seen plans 
as low as $5 a month, and there are lots of email-only services that cost 
that much.  (There are come-ons for around $2/mo, but they're usually 
limited-time promotional deals.)

Most such accounts let you create large or unlimited numbers of mailboxes 
and email forwarders.  You can usually access them with a POP3 or IMAP mail 
client.  Most also provide webmail, and without the ads you get on the 
"free" services.

With hosting accounts, you can usually choose whether you use spam 
filtering, and how aggressive it should be.  You can leave your mail 
unfiltered; when the address starts attracting spam, junk it, and open a new 

If you have to give an address to a website and don't trust it, create a new 
forwarder.  If that source does spam you, or sells your address to a spammer 
(this happens more often than you might think), just delete the forwarder.

Such a service is useful for folks who have EVDL memberships, and/or are 
members of other email discussion lists.  

You can have a read-only address for the list, from which you never send 
email.  Since no one but you ever sees this address, you're unlikely to get 
spam on it as long as you make it a hard-to-guess address.

When you post, use a write-only address (one whose mailbox dumps right into 
the bit bucket).  This list, like most, tries to protect your posting 
address; but let's face it, if someone reads one of your posts and leaves it 
on his computer, and that computer gets invaded by malware, a spammer is apt 
to get your write-only posting address.  It won't matter to you, though, 
since you never see incoming spam on that account.

The downside of using a cheap hosting accounts for email is that some hosts 
host spammers.  Now and then you'll find your IP address blacklisted.  Then 
you have to file a support request, hoping they throw the bums off and get 
the blacklist lifted for you.

Ah, for the early days of the net, when it was mostly just academics and 
computer hobbyists, and you could publish your address on the then-new web 
with the  expectation that only reasonable, decent folks would use it.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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