In the early 1990's when I first got outlets put in at a work-site
parking spot in the middle of the hp Cupertino, CA parking lot for my EV
charging use, there was no painting or signage. I placed a cone with a
sign  Electric car only . But it was moved and or just plain ignored
(these were the early days of hate-talk radio totally dissing EVs,

Later, I changed the sign on the cone to  reserved  and got better
results with less icing. I surmised the less you state what you are
doing, the better. Later still as I gained experience in handling ice'd
EV spots, I also used this  cone+ reserved  method when I coordinated
EVents with good results.

But at some EVents where I was there to give support, where it seemed
too likely to have the EV spot(s) ice'd, I would take more drastic
measures. One method was to have an ice on either side of the spot(s),
place the cones with  reserved  signage at the end of the empty EV
spot(s), and a yellow plastic caution-tape running between the two ice
bumpers that was parked on either side of the EV spot(s). The tape was
also tied to the cones so it would be a lot of effort for the ice driver
to move or run-over them.

A worst case method I saw at other EVents was to get a car (EV or not)
to park in the EV spot(s) with a cone and  reserved  signage at the rear
of the car to prevent icing, and be able to move their car out when
charging is needed. In practice, an EV that showed up at the EVent
wanting a charge, would drive the owner of the parked car in the EV spot
to the EV spot, move the car out of the spot for the EV to charge, then
drive them both back to the EVent in the car that was parked in the EV
spot, ... repeat.


On Wed, Jun 25, 2014, at 11:11 AM, fred via EV wrote:
> Okay, let's get our minds out of the 60s and 70s and into today's century
> and the world of the EV.
> I am hoping to attend the Orlando Maker Faire in September 2014 at the
> Orlando Science Center. Conveniently there is a parking structure across
> the street with either 2 or 3 EVSE stations ...
> From the photos I've been provided by the contact person and other
> information, the spots are in a convenient location to be ICE'd in short
> order. I plan to arrive near dawn on the Saturday of the event but that's
> no assurance of an open EVSE, of course. The organizer has asked if I
> think a traffic cone placed in the spot would be a good idea. She
> believes that an ICE driver would be disinclined to move it, while an EV
> driver would do so. I suggested that an EV driver would also believe that
> the space is unavailable for an undisclosed reason.
> I further suggested that the cone could have a sign atop reading "EV
> parking only" and an EV driver would then move the cone to park ...

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