Well, reading his Wiki entry, he is clearly not stupid.  I can only assume he 
fervently believes that transitioning an ICE-based business to electric will 
ruin the company he has worked so hard to turn around over the last 5 years or 
so.  As well as having a law degree e is also an accountant so it may just be 
that he can't see the profit in it and therefore thinks there's no point in it. 
 The (apparent) fact that he is a chain smoker might help explain his 
mindset...?  It might also mean that someone with a broader frame of mind might 
be is his shoes before too long!

I wonder if he's ever driven one?


On 3 Jul 2014, at 10:02, rustybkts via EV wrote:

> Why is it that Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne seems to go on so much
> about how much he is losing from each 500e when it gets so much praise?
> I remember not so long ago that all new ICE models used to be advertised
> with a statement noting the hundreds of millions spent developing it.
> I doubt the 500e needed too much spending to create it and I cannot believe
> that the extra cell pack, motor, gearbox and charger etc would cost too much
> more than the EV sell price and certainly not $14.000 more for each one
> unless he is rolling the development costs into each one.
> Try selling them into all the other markets Mr Marchionne and reap the
> benefits of quantity savings that as a manufacturer he knows very well.
> Its funny isn't it that some CEO's see the future and others are hooked on
> oil.

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