As I have said before, give it another 100 years or so and we'll be digging up 
all those landfill sites to recover the plastic!  MW

On 22 Aug 2014, at 01:09, Ben Goren via EV wrote:

> On Aug 21, 2014, at 4:29 PM, Peakfoto Digital Photo Still n Video via EV 
> <> wrote:
>> Electric cars are Far more cost  n energy effective.
> At the $200/bbl range the article so casually mentions, even unimaginably 
> expensive futuristic technologies become economical -- such as using the 
> Fischer-Tropsch process (or something similar) to turn atmospheric CO2 plus 
> photovoltaic electricity into hydrocarbon fuels.
> Of course, as is the whole point of the article, powering vehicles directly 
> off of electricity is much, much cheaper than even refining today's tar sands 
> into gasoline...but it's comforting, at least a bit, to know both that 
> there're economic limits to how much fossil fuels we're likely to extract 
> (because alternatives, expensive as they are, will be less expensive) and 
> that we won't (exactly) run out of hydrocarbon fuels for things like combine 
> harvesters and intercontinental aircraft -- or of hydrocarbon feedstocks for 
> plastics.
> At the same time...imagine what that doubling of fossil fuel prices and 
> everything that relies on fossil fuels (like food) would be like. It's not 
> going to be a pretty sight. Those with local (e.g., rooftop solar) renewable 
> electricity production and electric vehicles will escape the most obvious of 
> the financial hits, but even food is going to get expensive, and the global 
> economy is going to suffer greatly...
> ...but, if we can make it past that without collapsing into chaos, a 
> solar-powered future should be mighty bright indeed.
> Cheers,

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