Born Electric Guest Blogger: Meet Fred From California
 BMW i3 | September 10th, 2014 by Horatiu Boeriu


My name is Fred and I was born electric on July 30, 2014.

Today I have just a little over 1,000 miles on my i3 REx—over 1,000 happy
miles I should add. I live in Huntington Beach, California and use my i3
regularly for running local errands, for meetings of 80 to 120 miles across
the Los Angeles basin, and for pure pleasure. Indeed, it is now the only car
I own. I sold my Lexus LS460L [ice] and my Lexus SC430 [ice] for the i3
[pih], and while both are great cars, the i3 meets my needs so well that I
have no regrets about giving up either of them.

I never intended to own an electric vehicle and paid little attention to
them believing that they were in general impractical. I was raised on the
internal combustion engine and had no intention of doing anything other than
sticking with what I knew and what worked for me. Adding to my mind set were
two facts: first, America is awash in fossil fuels with the potential of
freeing us from the importation of foreign oil; second, cars that once
swigged gasoline are now increasingly fuel efficient. So, why change?

Then one sunny Sunday morning my son, who traded in his Hummer for a big
Infiniti SUV, came knocking on my door, roused me from bed, and said, “come
with me,” informing me that we needed to be somewhere in a hurry. Before I
could find out where we had to be, we were racing down Pacific Coast Highway
to what I discovered was the BMW dealer in Newport Beach. My son wouldn’t
tell me where we were going or why we were rushing to be somewhere, keeping
this news from me until we arrived. As we pulled into Sterling BMW, my son
informed me that I was going to do a test drive—a drive so I learned that he
took the day prior.

I had trouble believing that this was what all the fuss was about. My son
has owned big vehicles for many years. He is a diver, and carts around lots
of dive equipment. Also, we used his vehicles for towing our boats. Why in
the world was he interested in this little car? 

Besides never giving a moment’s thought to an electric vehicle, I never
considered a small car. Except for the BMW 320i that I owned in the 1980s
and my little Lexus sports car which I used on weekends, my driving
experience consisted mostly of large cars–heavy metal objects that
surrounded me with lots of steel and horse power. I assumed that I would be
safer in an accident in a large car than in a small one. 

Once behind the wheel of the i3, my fear disappeared. It is not true that in
all things, small is beautiful, but in the case of the i3, it truly is.

The test drive was badly organized and although my son had signed us up for
a specific time, we sat around for what seemed to be forever until we got
our test car. Wanting my breakfast, I almost left. Further, when I tried to
engage officials in charge of the test drive with questions about the
vehicle, they seemed to know as little as I did. We were not off to a good

Once behind the wheel, everything changed. I immediately liked the clean
lines and the airiness of the cabin. I especially liked the elevation of the
seats with a firmness that secured my poor body against the discomforts of
my arthritis. I abhor soft seats into which you sink, seats that require
lowering yourself into position and then hoisting yourself out. I also liked
the easy adjustment of the seats. While the seats in my Lexus vehicles are
powered electrically, moving me like a belly dancer into every conceivable
position, I never got the setting I wanted. By comparison, once into the i3,
I knew I found a home.

The clincher was the drive itself. As we pressed the button to start the
“ignition”, I listened for the rev of the motor only to hear quiet, blessed
quiet. I thought to myself, this is too good to be true. My son took the
wheel first. He likes to drive fast and once onto the road way, we took off
with a punch that left everyone on the road in our rear view mirror. As a
senior citizen I drive more cautiously, but when it was my turn at the
wheel, I couldn’t help but accelerate to the max. What a ride! I also liked
the steering—firm, nimble and responsive. The slightest turn moved the car
decisively, making me realize that it needed two steady hands on the wheel.
A quick U-turn in the middle of Pacific Coast Highway—something not
recommended by good sense or the police—was a delight. I also liked the
tight, firm ride—nothing spongy about it. The regenerative braking, I
confess, made me nervous. Would I need a learning curve to master it? Well,
as it turned out, I didn’t need much of a learning curve. Once I obtained my
car, I felt comfortable and in control of the braking by the time I got the
vehicle home.

This test drive made me know that the i3 offered a superior way of driving
from anything I had known before. By the end of the drive, I announced to my
son that I would put down my deposit early in the week and surrender my
Lexus vehicles to CarMax. My son said he would also do the same and give up
his Infiniti SUV. The decision to downsize and to go electric was a big one
for our family, but after driving the i3, it left us little choice. The joy
of driving the i3, the interior space and comfort, the responsive steering,
the firm ride and the regenerative braking sold us on our first electric
vehicle. In every respect the i3 felt, looked and drove like a BMW. We both
decided on the REx, knowing that it would meet 90% of our driving needs—and
indeed it has.

The drive’s the thing and that’s what sold us. Since I had zero knowledge
and experience with electric vehicles, just to make sure that I hadn’t
confused lust with love, rushing into something I would later regret, I
arranged a test drive with a Volt later the same day. The Volt had good
acceleration but nothing like the punch of the i3. Also, the seats were a
tad too much like all the GM seats I had known before as was the ride
itself—a tinge on the soft side. Further, the interior seemed old and not
very inspiring. Driving the Volt reaffirmed my decision to purchase the i3.

Only after the decision was taken to purchase the i3 did I begin to
investigate the world of EVs and their multiple advantages. Entering into an
intensive period of study, I became like all converts something of a zealot
which I continue to be at the time of this writing. I am in conversation
with several solar panel companies to get the best equipment at the best
deal. My son and I each put down our deposit on the Launch Edition of the i3
believing that this was the only vehicle that would be available in the
states in the near future. The roll out was long and contained all too many
disappointments; near the end of our wait, my son decided to throw in the
towel and purchased the John Cooper Mini Countryman in place of the i3. At
least he is driving a more efficient gasoline powered engine than when he
was behind the wheel of his SUV.

All the things I liked about the i3 that led me to buy it I still like—and
like even more than when I did my test drive. I’ve come to appreciate the
Harmon Kardan sound system which in a cabin that is quiet (except at freeway
speeds), enhances my listening pleasure. Speaking of the quiet cabin, it is
not always as quiet as I would like. At city-street speeds, its as quiet as
a church mouse. But on the freeway, especially as I approach 70mph plus,
wind noise is noticeable, sometimes quite noticeable. If BMW can dampen that
in the next iteration of the i3, it would make the drive even more

Sometimes it’s the little things that are most distressing. My biggest
problem and that of my guests is getting the tongue of the seat belt into
the buckle. While I am older and have lost strength in my hands, younger and
abler persons also have difficulty. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of hard
pushing to buckle up. Do I wish for a battery with greater range, of course,
but I’ve learned to live with it. I like the light weight of the vehicle
which contributes to the i3’s acceleration, handling and efficiency. If
there was one thing I would say to BMW it is, resist all the calls for
significant additions if it means making the vehicle heavier.

In light of the limitations of the battery, the REx has been indispensable
to my driving needs. The smooth transition from being on the battery to the
point when the REx kicks in is quite remarkable. I never feel or hear it nor
do my passengers (actually one passenger in the back seat thought he heard a
slight hum). I did have a significant loss of speed coming up a long, steep
incline at the end of a 211 mile round trip. My companions and I couldn’t
help but laugh as we knew this might happen but had not experienced it at
any time earlier in the trip when we encountered steep inclines and were
still on battery. What this means is that, understanding the limitations of
the REx (all cars have their limitations in one respect or another), I need
to plan my trips more carefully which I will in the future. The “slow down”
neither diminished my ardor for the car nor my appreciation for its overall
abilities and quality.

I’ve set the vehicle to charge at midnight when electricity rates are at
their lowest. I purchased a ClipperCreek HCS 40 which works like a charm and
cost me considerably less than the charger BMW is selling. From the
standpoint of technology, this was the easy part. I confess that I find the
i3’s software daunting and even after 1,000 miles, I am still only half way
through learning the software’s mysteries.

One of the most delightful aspects of owning the i3 is the number of people
who wave me down on the street, or give me a thumbs up on the freeway, or
stop me at my favorite coffee shop or at the market, or encounter me in
other ways asking me questions about the car or just admiring it. Recently
an eight year old English boy on vacation in California approached me with
his mother gushing facts about the i3. He is a devotee of Top Gear and knew
much more than I about the car. I know that some commentators think the i3
is an ugly little beast, but the people who come up to me all seem to be
intrigued by its looks. I hope that their inquisitiveness turns into sales.

Several people helped me throughout the roll out of the i3. My dealership
went out of its way to find answers to all my inquiries even when they had
little experience with the vehicle. Stephan, my Client Adviser (salesman in
ordinary English) actually knew something about the i3 and was an anchor
keeping me from drifting away. BMW North America, despite the glitches in
the roll out, was enormously helpful when I reached out to them. No sooner
did I reach out to them than they reciprocated frequently, reaching out to
me. I want to thank Jacob Harb of BMW North America who, put in charge of
the roll out, became the focus for everyone with a grievance, all too many
of which were legitimate but many of which were not of his making. Jacob
reached out to me after I contacted BMW, giving me reassurance and easing
the process. Good communication is more than fifty percent of addressing
problems even when solutions are not readily available. Like the oak in a
gale, Jacob may have bent but he did not break and he saw the roll out
through to fruition. Finally, without Tom Moloughney who captained the ship
during the long process, leading the charge for the i3 against its frequent
critics, providing answers to questions no one else seemed to have,
defending the vehicle even while the process was discouraging, providing a
communication link to BMW and giving us certainty that there would be an i3
in our future, I say without Tom I would have and I think many others would
have said, nice try BMW but now I am going back to what I know [-an ice].

Thank you Tom!

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