I saw the record breaking Stella in San Francisco.  A vehicle so efficient 
cruising at  40 mph it's solar panels will charge the 16kw pack.  So efficient 
you would never need to plug it in.  It would even return energy to the grid.  
1t has 1.2 kw of solar on the roof.  The day time running system including 
lights uses 50 watts. It uses 70psi German made tires.  About the width of a 
Honda 90 tire.  It has two front hub motors.  The car has cruise control and 
feedback for some controls on the steering wheel.  It has a fan and heat 
element to defrost the rather large bubble front window.  It's about 3.5 feet 
tall and all four seats are recumbent.  It has the battery pack running down 
the center of the vehicle  which weighs 800 pounds.  You can find out more at 
the University of Einhoven website.  I want to build one.  Lawrence Rhodes
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