George Tyler via EV wrote:
Why not just buy the link plates that headway sell, made for the purpose.
Get the cell mounts at the same time?

Are these just a flat bar that bolts directly between cells. If so, that's not a good way to do it.

The cells will move slightly due to road bumps and vibration, The cell cases are plastic, which will expand and contract from temperature changes. The cases will also swell over time as the cells age.

With rigid inter-cell jumpers, all this movement causes leaks and bad connections to develop over time.

Your inter-cell cell jumpers should therefore have a bend or kink or other method to provide a little bit of flexibility or "give" to avoid straining the connections. This is true for *all* types of batteries; not just lithium.

If you would not be forgotten
When your body's dead and rotten
Then write of great deeds worth the reading
Or do these great deeds, worth repeating.
        -- Ben Franklin, from Poor Richard's Almanac
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