Germany's Electric cars to use bus lanes, get free parking
25 Sep 2014

Politician Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (SPD) gets in her electric service car
after announcing the new law. Photo: DPA

 Very few Germans own electric cars and the government hopes that the new
Elektromobilitätsgesetz will change that.

 Now municipalities have the responsibility of implementing the law, but are
balking at the incentives the federal government is offering.

 Many cities, including Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Stuttgart, have already
spoken against sharing the bus lane, calling the idea "counterproductive"
(Berlin) and "not an option" (Stuttgart) said a Spiegel report last month.

 In passing the law, the government forewent bonuses for electric car buyers
and instead made more funds available for research and development of
electric cars.

 Despite their car-crazy reputation, Germans have lagged behind other
Europeans in adopting electric vehicles. In the first six months of 2014, it
was recorded that there were four electric cars for every 10,000 standard
fuel-driven ones on the road.

 For comparison, there are 10 electric cars for every 10,000 standard
fuel-driven cars on French roads.

 According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germans say they are held
back not by the idea of electric cars, but by limited selection of electric
cars, high prices and limited infrastructure such as charging stations.

 Five years ago, Chancellor Angela Merkel's government set the target for
one million electric cars on the road in Germany by 2020.
Berlin approves new incentives for electric car drivers

A new German law hopes to make it more attractive to drive electric cars in
Germany. [EON Vertrieb/Flickr]

The German government passed a new law on electromobility, including perks
for electric car drivers, such as parking privileges, permission to use bus
lanes and special transit access. However, environmentalists are unhappy.
EurActiv Germany reports.

A new law on electromobility was approved by the German federal cabinet on
Wednesday (24 September). 

The new measure is expected to come into effect in early 2015 and is set to
expire on 30 June 2030. 

Its scope covers battery powered vehicles, as well as especially
environmentally friendly, externally chargeable hybrid cars, and fuel cell

For plug-in hybrids, carbon dioxide emissions are capped at 50g per
kilometre or a minimum 30km range on purely electric power (40km starting in

To a large extent, this established minimum range for electric power is
enough to cover short day-to-day journeys.

Free parking and access to bus lanes

Under the new law, vehicles approved in Germany are intended to receive
special identification via their number plates. 

Cars approved outside the country are also expected to be given certain
benefits. Because they cannot receive a German number plate, the legislation
says they will be identified by a special sticker. This is meant to ensure
that electric vehicles can be easily recognised in traffic by police and
others on the road.

The law will also give municipalities the possibility to reserve parking
spaces at charging stations for electric vehicles as well as provide free

Local authorities can also dole out special access and transit passes (in
areas sensitive to air or noise pollution) as well as opening bus lanes for
appropriately labeled vehicles, when conditions allow. Final decisions,
however, are in the hands of the relevant traffic control authorities.

"With our electromobility law, we are creating additional incentives for
electromobility," explained German Transportation Minister Alexander

"In the future, municipalities will be able to choose how to locally promote
the use of electric cars, such as offering free parking or special transit
rights. In addition, electric vehicles will be identifiable to anyone at a
glance thanks to individual labelling. Because of the growing selection of
e-models on the market, and the growing number of e-cars on the roads, sales
will continue to rise," Dobrindt said.

Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks added, "With this law we are
giving municipalities the possibility to promote electromobility in a way
that makes the most sense for their community, from an air quality control
perspective for example. Meanwhile we are creating a foundation to better
accommodate alternative forms of mobility in urban development."

Auto industry pleased

The auto industry welcomed the new measure. The Automobile Industry
Association (VDA) said it expects a boost for electromobility. 

"Through individual identification for e-models, these vehicles will be more
visible in traffic. Opening up bus lanes and offering free parking areas
make driving electric-powered cars more attractive," the VDA's president
Matthias Wissmann commented. 

"These incentives must be implemented throughout Germany so that they are
convincing to [potential] customers,” Wissmann said, adding, “To do this, it
is critical to have an approach that includes coordination among the federal
government, regions, cities and municipalities."

Wissmann hopes the law will take effect as soon as possible. "This is a
first step in the right direction, which must followed by others", the VDA
president emphasised. Research and development projects should be continued
just as training and qualification efforts should be promoted, he said.

Germany is well-positioned with regard to electromobility, Wissmann pointed

"In no other country do car dealers have such a large selection of electric
models. International assessments show: Compared to other countries offering
electric cars, Germany's auto industry is at the top of the list," he

By the end of the year, 17 production models made in Germany will be
released on the market. 12 more will follow in 2015.

The German Transport Forum (DVF), a multi-modal industry association, also
welcomed the fresh legislation. 

The DVF's managing director Thomas Hailer said, "Now it is important to get
e-vehicles into the fleets of companies and public officials. This has the
beneficial side-effect that a market is created, in which used electric cars
become available much more cheaply to private users after 2 years."

“But to do this,” Hailer continued, “there must be a procurement initiative
at the national, regional and municipal levels as well as a move to
introduce special tax write-offs for commercially operated vehicles. And
credit programmes with reduced interest-rate loans for purchasing e-vehicles
must be implemented quickly."

Greens critical

Stephan Kühn, transportation spokesman from the Bundestag's Green Party
faction, said Transport Minister Dobrindt does not "to any degree" meet the
electromobility challenge. 

"He is doing too little and going about it the wrong way. As a priority, he
is promoting heavy off-road and sports utility vehicles with German-produced
electric motors. This is not the way to reduce fuels that are harmful to the
environment. What is needed, is a universal approach for all modes of
transportation in concert with an expansion of renewables," Kühn said.

The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) also criticised the
new measure. 

"Opening access to bus lanes for electric cars and plug-in hybrids attests
to the huge lack of knowledge over the real state of mobility in cities,"
said NABU's national managing director Leif Miller. 

"A growing number of cyclists is already forced to share the narrow lane
with buses. According to the government's intentions, a Porsche Cayenne with
an electric power range of 30 km will be allowed drive in these bus lanes,"
he pointed out. 

In his view, Miller said, he does not see this as contributing to the
acceptance of electromobility in cities.

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