Blaming EVs 4clogging hov/carpool lanes> toll$ will ri$e
Roadshow: California to test mileage-based fees
By Gary Richards  11/02/2014

John Glenney, 62, of Lexington, Ky., drove his Tesla Model S across the
United States using only the company's Supercharging stations. (Bay Area
News Group)

Q Will you please explain how the new law Gov. Jerry Brown just signed that
will charge drivers in California for every mile a car drives will work?
When will this go into effect?

Betty Weldon

A Don't panic, for nothing is going to happen overnight. A few weeks ago
Brown signed into law the first test of a proposal to charge drivers by the
number of miles driven. The bill creates a panel to oversee a pilot project
that could be in place by 2018. California now becomes the largest state to
consider charging VMT fees (for vehicle miles traveled).

Details have yet to be worked out, but Oregon will soon be testing a VMT fee
beginning July 1. Details on that program:

 It applies only to vehicles that get 55 mpg (electric and select plug-in
hybrids) and are model 2015 or newer.

 Oregon drivers would pay 1.5 cents for every mile they travel in the state.

 The 5,000 drivers are all volunteers.

 This will not replace Oregon's state gas tax, but will be another way to
collect road fees.

Officials in other states are also looking at VMT fees and they'll all be
watching California, where 17 percent of the nation's car sales take place.

Why the push to another way to pay? Gas use has declined steadily since 2005
as fuel-efficient and alternative energy cars have flourished. A decade ago,
Californians consumed nearly 16 billion gallons of gas annually. That figure
dropped to 14.5 billion last year. And the state gas tax has not been raised
in 21 years.

Q Why are only gas-type vehicles being taxed and not electric or hybrids?
All of us use the same roads, and it seems only right that all should
participate equally in their upkeep. Am I missing something here?

Barbara Smith

A You make a good point, and that is what a VMT fee would rectify. The idea
is that since hybrids and electric cars pay less in taxes, a tax based on
the number of miles driven would make them pay their fair share.

Q How about doing a report on how electric vehicles are clogging up carpool
lanes? Before, a carpool lane was used for two or more plus motorcycles and
transit buses. But now it is also for electric vehicles with carpool
stickers, which defeats the purpose of a carpool lane because it has almost
become a regular lane. Do electric vehicle owners need a lane specifically
for them?

Alexis Pedroza

A They'll have it until 2019, when this perk will end, unless the
Legislature again extends it, as it has three times. As of Sept. 23, the DMV
has issued the 55,000-maximum green decals allowed by law, and 15,000 more
will be available Jan. 1. Applications for green stickers will continue to
be accepted at this time, but new ones cannot be issued until after Jan. 1.
And 57,914 white decals have been given out. There is no maximum for them.

Over the past four years California drivers have purchased more than 100,000
plug-in electrical vehicles. Bottom line: Carpool lanes will continue to jam
up. And when solo drivers can buy their way into more diamond lanes, tolls
will rise to keep traffic in those lanes moving.

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