Tesla Robots Get X-Men Names
November 18th, 2014 by Zachary Shahan  Planetsave

Tesla X-Men robots comic  “We had a comic artist depict the manufacturing
process in a series of illustrations, which we’ve printed on the glass walls
enclosing some of the robots.”

videos  / Tesla Motors
Tesla Factory Upgrade
High Efficiency Electric Drive Unit

Tesla Motors announced late last night (well, late last night over here in
Europe) that it was implementing some factory upgrades. Going from a
production of 0 not very many years ago to 22,000 last year, and then to
35,000 this year, has been quite a ride… but it’s just the beginning. With
factory upgrades, Tesla is aiming to increase production another 50% by the
end of 2015, including the beginning of Tesla Model X production.

Always eager to have a bit of fun with its names and give tribute to its
geeky roots, during this latest factory upgrade, Tesla decided to name some
of its new robots after X-Men characters. I’m sure this is something that
Elon Musk’s buddy Jon Favreau (director of the latest Iron Man series and
Avengers) had a little laugh at. Who knows — maybe it was actually his idea.

Here’s what the different “X-Men characters” do, according to Tesla:

 - Xavier: “stands at the entrance to the trim line, lifting cars down to
the floor from an electrified rail.

 - Iceman, Wolverine, and Beast: engage in heavy lifting.

 - Storm and Colossus: “can be found at the end of the chassis line.”

 - Vulcan and Havok: “work as a team to lift cars back onto the rail.”

10 of the world’s largest robots are now installed and working hard in
Tesla’s Fremont factory.

Tesla notes that, “To us, these robots are like superheroes, so we figured
they deserved superhero names.” That’s fun and all, but I think it’s a bit
too easy to gloss over the significance of the matter. An electric vehicle
revolution is critical to us stopping global warming and truly catastrophic
climate change. It doesn’t do the job by itself, but it’s one important
ingredient. Tesla is, inarguably, leading this revolution. Without Tesla,
we’d have electric vehicles, but no revolution in the near future. Of
course, its X-Men superheroes are an important part of its success.

Getting into more of the nuts and bolts of recent factory upgrades, Tesla

The most dramatic changes are to be found in general assembly, where we’ve
eliminated a lot of overhead steel and mechanical structures in favor of
advanced robots that can lift and maneuver entire cars with optimum
precision while taking up less room. Soon, our new robots will even be able
to install battery packs in the cars, relieving humans of the most
labor-intensive operation in the factory and reducing installation time from
four to two minutes.

Alongside the robots, we’ve created a more efficient floor plan with
significantly more automation. In addition, the cars now move down the
assembly line as associates work on them, enabling a streamlined and more
consistent workflow. The line is now running at about 1,000 cars a week with
the potential for significantly more with minor adjustments.
Here's what actually happened inside Tesla's factory during its renovation
Nov 17, 2014  Eric Van Susteren

[image    / Noah Berger*4248-2832-4-0.jpg
A Model S sedan rolls down an assembly line at Tesla's plant.

When Tesla Motors Inc. paused production at its Fremont electric vehicle
factory this summer, we got scant details about what types of upgrades the
company made to increase production capacity of the Model S and make room to
begin producing the Model X crossover.

Today Tesla published a blog post with a really slick time-lapse video of
the upgrade process that also brings into focus some of the specific
renovations that occurred at the plant.

The biggest upgrade Tesla made occurred on its general assembly line, where
the company added new, massive robots that can lift and maneuver entire
cars. The robots speed up the production process and, though Tesla says
they're some of the world's largest, take up less room than previous
processes. Each is named for an X-Men comic-book super hero, from Wolverine
to Xavier.

"To us, these robots are like superheroes, so we figured they deserved
superhero names," Tesla wrote.

The company also set up a more efficient floor plan, opened up a new factory
section for the Model S P85D ( the world's fastest accelerating sedan).
Tesla installed conveyor belts and robots to the plant's powertrain section
so it will be able to be able to match 1 million battery cells a year with
powertrains. That's up from 800,000 previously.

The retooling process took 65,000 Tesla man hours and took a little longer
than expected, knocking Tesla's vehicle delivery target off by 2,000 cars,
bringing it to 33,000 deliveries for the year.
Tesla Motors : Tackling The Manufacturing Issue
BY Value Walk | 11/13/14

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