Days before-hand, I was scoping-out/checking-out/reconnoitering some
restaurants for a family gathering (it is the holiday season after-all). I
wanted to find both a nice place to enjoy our get-together/sup, but I also
thought I would try to mix a little (EVangel-nonprofit-effort) business with

While I did find a few places that had both a nice eatery and some public
EVSE with both L3 & 2 to show off afterward, I had to choose which (there is
so much public EVSE in the SF area to choose from - its soo cool! ).

I also had to temper my mental-zeal decision-making as my
former/younger-self would be high-energy and adventuresome (I found a place
that offers hookas along with their Afghan cuisine - yea, there are a lot of
dinning choices here too), I decided to throttle-back/hold-myself-back and
temper the gathering location experience to a more mild setting (getting
older takes a little of the youthful-exuberance/crazy-fun out ... ).

Of those locations I had found: 

-One location had a nearby company ( with 12 EVSE
Strictly-speaking this is their company EVSE, however the public has been
allowed to use it if a space was available with the driver using their own
Blink/ccg EVSE rfid-card.

I really like this location though I would have to be brief in showing it
off (I would not want a security-person to come check us out). It showed
what a company could do for both its employees and share what they have
(with limitations) with the public (IMO: a pretty cool company, and their
employees should be proud of what they have done).

While way-back in the 1990's I could have only dreamt this type of EVSE
setup would be at my former work-place (hp), because they were one of the
first to do this, their EVSE hardware was not the newest: had the older
Blink EVSE, and only a CHAdeMO L3. Since I was likely only going to get a
few minutes to show this (my EVangel-activities), I was going to focus more
on one of the locations I had found that had newer (more state-of-the-art)
EVSE to show off.

-A city-owned parking garage within walking distance had a couple of older
CT21xx L2&1 EVSE, plus a new CHAdeMO L3 (what looked like a re-badged ABB
with Nissan's name on it), all on the Chargepoint network

This was better, but that was not the milder/more-conformist eatery I
decided to target-for (darn ... it would have made for an interesting
seasons-greeting-card image of a family-member toking on a hooka - strictly
legal-smoke of-course)

-I settled-on/choose the location that was within walking (or in my case
hobbling with a cane) distance a nearby company ( with their
several EVSE to see

Again, this was for their company employee and EV R&D use, but they (like
some Silicon Valley companies) allow the public access when they are not
using it.

They have a good mix of EVSE: 
two older L2&1 Coulomb CT21xx on the Chargepoint network, and a tall L2
Aerovironment EVSE (these are not set for public use), and their most recent
installation an Efacec dual L3 CHAdeMO & combo EVSE

How it went:
As I drove in for the gathering Yesterday evening, I parked nearby. Near
enough to ERL strike up a conversation with a VW employee, complementing him
on what good EVSE they have and thanked-him for allowing the public to use
it when they are not. 

Looking and speaking with a strong Germanic accent, he said, "Ya, Ya, das
ist goot design" (though I knew not to push my luck to expect the typical
American style smile during our conversation, I could read by his body
language that he took no-displeasure in receiving compliments of their
good-work). I kept our chat short and efficient.

Yup, after our gathering, we all had a walk over to EVSE and I was allowed
to spend a couple minutes showing the difference between the EVSE. While my
family members are not as EV-committed as I, thankfully they tolerate my
zeal/EV-excitement, and listened to my short-n-sweet spiel of what my
nonprofit activities are. Its nice to have people that love you, no matter
how much of charging-nut you are :-)

For EVLN posts use:

toking on a hooka
(VW e-golf ERL likely helped R&D)

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