On Dec 21, 2014, at 1:53 PM, John Lussmyer via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Actually, bad assumption.  Many/Most PV Inverters don't like being fed from 
> batteries.  Throws off their attempts to find the Max Power Point.

I didn't know that. Would it matter that the batteries would mostly be feeding 
the inverter only when the panels aren't producing?

> Also, PV inverters are more expensive than "regular" inverters.

Well, the system is already in place and has been for a few years. I've already 
got the inverter, in other words. Seems like, unless it's likely to do bad 
things, it's better to spend no money on a less-than-perfect but still-usable 
solution, than to spend more money to get a better version of something I 
already have that'll work.

So...is it a matter of this not being the ideal way to design the system if 
starting from scratch, or of this being something that's workable at all?

Or...are "regular" inverters so inexpensive relative to the total battery 
system cost that I'm being silly for not considering one as part of the cost of 
the system...?

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