Disconnect battery when storing car
By Tom and Ray Magliozzi /  December 27, 2014

DEAR CAR TALK: We have a Subaru Outback [ice] and a Toyota Prius [hev].

As soon as there are more charging stations around, we plan to get a Tesla
Model S electric car. We have a pop-up trailer from which, when not in use,
the battery is removed and hooked up to a battery charger.

To my surprise, the charger has kept the battery charged very well. When we
get the Tesla S, the Subaru would be used only for winter driving and for
vacations where we would have to tow the trailer.

My question is: If I take the battery out of the Subaru for roughly eight
months of the year, would it negatively affect the electrical system or
anything else on the Subaru? – Vinnie

Dear Vinnie: No, Vinnie. If you take the battery out of the Subaru, the only
real danger is that you’ll trip over it in the garage. So, alternatively,
you can just disconnect the battery and leave it right in the car.

And I wouldn’t bother keeping it on the charger for eight months – you’d
just be wasting electricity. If you have a good charger, you can just hook
it up the day before you need the car, and the battery should be fine by the
next day.

That also reduces the risk that something would go wrong with the charger
and it would burn down your house while you’re gone.

When you reconnect the battery, there are a couple of inconveniences you’ll
have to deal with, besides the obvious stuff like losing your radio presets.
Most modern cars have computers that “learn” and adapt the engine and
transmission to your driving style. So those settings will all be lost, and
the car will have to “relearn” them. That means you may notice the car
running a little poorly or shifting a little roughly at first. But it’ll go
away quickly. However, you should drive the car for a few days before
getting it inspected.

My brother and I used to recommend all kinds of other things to people who
were storing vehicles for months (squirting oil in each cylinder, covering
the tailpipe and intake manifold), but we gave up on that, because nobody
ever bothered with it. And in the vast majority of cases these days, the
cars start and run just fine after being stored, anyway.

So just disconnect the battery, and don’t forget to roll up the windows.
Good luck, Vinnie.

Got a question about cars for Ray Magliozzi? Email the Car Talk website at
[© 2014 Albuquerque Journal]
Self-discharge is a phenomenon in batteries in which internal chemical
reactions reduce the stored charge of the battery without any connection
between the electrodes. Self-discharge decreases the shelf-life of batteries
and causes them to initially have less than a full charge when actually put
to use ...

Periods of inactivity can be extremely harmful to lead acid batteries. When
placing a battery into storage, follow the recommendations below to ensure
that the battery remains healthy and ready for use.

NOTE: Storing, charging or operating batteries on concrete is perfectly OK.

The Most Important Things to Avoid

    Freezing. Avoid locations where freezing temperature are expected.
Keeping a battery at a high state of charge will also prevent freezing.
Freezing results in irreparable damage to a battery’s plates and container.

    Heat. Avoid direct exposure to heat sources, such as radiators or space
heaters. Temperatures above 80° F (26.6º C) accelerate the battery’s
self-discharge characteristics.

Step-By-Step Storage Procedure

    Completely charge the battery before storing.

    Store the battery in a cool, dry location, protected from the elements.

    During storage, monitor the specific gravity (flooded) or voltage.
Batteries in storage should be given a boost charge when they show a 70%
charge or less. See Table 1 [
] in the Testing Section.

    Completely charge the battery before re-activating.

    For optimum performance, equalize the batteries (flooded) before putting
them back into service. Refer to the Equalizing section for this procedure.
[© Trojan Battery]
Periods of inactivity can be extremely harmful to lead acid batteries
must always be stored in a charged state
BU-702: How to Store Batteries
Checkup and Storage

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