Dear Urban Diplomat: what should I do about an annoying e-biker?
March 10, 2015  urbandiplomat@torontolife

[image  / Carlos Felipe Pardo/Flickr

Dear Urban Diplomat,
Every day on my commute along Eastern Avenue, this guy on an electric bike
zooms past my car, sometimes in the bike lane, sometimes weaving between
cars, sometimes popping up onto the sidewalk for a few metres before
plonking back onto the street. It’s maddening. Short of gently nudging him
with my bumper, what should I do?
—Driven to Despair, Cliffside

Nothing brings humankind together like our shared loathing of law-flouting
e-bikers. The scourge of the road, they are neither bike nor motorcycle, yet
their operators adopt the unpredictability of the former and the swagger of
the latter. Legally, e-bikes aren’t allowed on sidewalks or divided cycle
tracks (like the one on Sherbourne), but they are allowed in painted bike
lanes. So for the sidewalk portion of your complaint, the law is on your
side. Do not—repeat, NOT—nudge him with your bumper or any other part of
your car’s anatomy. Call the non-emergency police number at 416-808-2222 to
provide the where and when of his repeat offending. With luck, you’ll be
driving by and witness the bust.

This article appeared first in the March 2015 issue of Toronto Life.

Why cyclists should be allowed to jump red lights
13 Sep 2013 ... The best way for a cyclist to stay safe is to sometimes
break the rules ...
Why motorists get so angry at cyclists — a psychologist's theory
By Susan Perry | 02/20/13

Motorists get angry when they think cyclists are getting away with something
by breaking society’s agreed-upon rules.

A study issued earlier this year found that motor vehicle drivers and
cyclists are equally responsible for car-bike collisions in Minneapolis.
But, as comments to media reports of that study demonstrate, the finger
pointing continues, with bicyclists blaming aggressive drivers for most
collisions and drivers blaming “inconsiderate and stupid” cyclists.

The anger from motorists toward cyclists seems especially raw. So I read
with interest British psychologist Tom Stafford’s latest Neurohacks column
for BBC Future in which he offers his theory for “why cyclists enrage car

“It's not because cyclists are annoying,” he writes. “It isn't even because
we have a selective memory for that one stand-out annoying cyclist over the
hundreds of boring, non-annoying ones (although that probably is a factor).
No, my theory is that motorists hate cyclists because they think they offend
the moral order.”

An evolutionary response
And how, exactly, do cyclists offend that moral order? It has to do,
Stafford explains, with two cornerstones of cooperation theory: the “free
rider problem” and “altruistic punishment.”

The free rider problem is the resentment that occurs when we believe some
people are “cheating” at what Stafford calls the “game of coordination where
we have to rely on each other to do the right thing.”

In other words, we get angry when we think someone else is getting away with
something by breaking society’s agreed-upon rules.

And one way humans have evolved to deal with that problem is altruistic

“Altruistic punishment is a punishment that costs you as an individual, but
doesn't bring any direct benefit,” explains Stafford. “As an example,
imagine I'm at a football match and I see someone climb in without buying a
ticket. I could sit and enjoy the game (at no cost to myself), or I could
try to find security to have the guy thrown out (at the cost of missing some
of the game). That would be altruistic punishment.”

Blame evolution
Which brings us back to drivers’ rage at cyclists. Writes Stafford:

[E]volution has built into the human mind a hatred of free-riders and
cheaters, which activates anger when we confront people acting like this —
and it is this anger which prompts altruistic punishment. In this way, the
emotion is evolution's way of getting us to overcome our short-term
self-interest and encourage collective social life.

So now we can see why there is an evolutionary pressure pushing motorists
towards hatred of cyclists. Deep within the human psyche, fostered there
because it helps us co-ordinate with strangers and so build the global
society that is a hallmark of our species, is an anger at people who break
the rules, who take the benefits without contributing to the cost. And
cyclists trigger this anger when they use the roads but don't follow the
same rules as cars.

Now, cyclists reading this might think "but the rules aren't made for us —
we’re more vulnerable, discriminated against, we shouldn't have to follow
the rules." Perhaps true, but irrelevant when other road-users perceive you
as breaking rules they have to keep. Maybe the solution is to educate
drivers that cyclists are playing an important role in a wider game of
reducing traffic and pollution. Or maybe we should just all take it out on a
more important class of free-riders, the tax-dodgers.
'Mandate bicycle license plates and license to ride a bicycle'
October 7, 2012
Electric bicycle laws

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