'Self-Driving Tesla EV in ~3 Months'

Tesla: Model S update 6.2 makes it impossible to "unintentionally run out of
Michael Graham Richard  March 20, 2015

Elon Musk in front of Model S electric car  / CC BY 2.0 Wikimedia

Tesla Motors/Promo image

© Tesla

© Tesla

Tesla/Screen capture

Earlier this week I made some guesses about what Elon Musk and Tesla had in
store to "end range anxiety" with a software update. I thought that maybe
the company would give its customers access to the battery reserves that are
usually not used (to prolong battery life) when they're in a bad spot.

Turns out, my guess was not correct. Instead, Tesla announced new smart
navigation features that they say "ensure you never unintentionally run out
of range, giving you peace of mind at all times".

"Ending range anxiety"
The first new feature is called Range Assurance. The application "is always
running quietly in the background even when navigation is not in use." It
communicates with the network of Tesla Superchargers and destination
chargers, discarding any that are in heavy use or inactive and warns you
before you drive out of range. "The navigation system then shows a map of
the most convenient charging locations and guides you to the closest one.
Moreover, it factors in height changes, like having to climb over a mountain
pass, and looks up weather and windspeed from the Internet to determine
range with extreme accuracy." This means that to run out of electrons, you
basically have to not listen to your EV.

And since Tesla has been building a lot of new Supercharger stations and
giving regular wall chargers (like those that Tesla owners can put in their
garages) to hotels and restaurants, which they call 'destination chargers',
most of North America is covered by some type of charger and over the next
12 months, all of Europe and North America (excluding northern Alaska) will
be covered, as well as China (apart from low population areas far inland),
the Japan main islands and southern Australia.

The second new feature is called Trip Planner. It's basically a navigation
system, like any GPS, that uses the features of range assurance (realtime
contact with Superchargers, taking into account elevation, weather, etc).
"The software then figures out the fastest and most convenient path to your
destination, including how long to stop at each location. As soon as your
car is ready to go, it will message you via the Tesla phone app."

UI Overhaul in 7.0
Musk also mentioned that version 7.0 of the Model S software will have a
complete user interface overhaul. All these updates... This thing is
starting to sound more like an iPhone rather than a traditional car... And
it's becoming clear why, according to Morgan Stanley, 60% of Tesla employees
are working on software while the average car maker only has about 2% of
employees writing code.

New safety features
The 6.2 software update also has new safety features:

-"Automatic Emergency Braking", which will engage in the event of an
unavoidable collision in order to reduce risk of impact

-"Blind Spot Warning" alerts you when drivers behind you are dangerously

-"Side Collision Warning" (front collision warning is already enabled)

Really interesting to think that a car could get safer over time from
software updates. Again, this reminds me of a smartphone more than a
traditional car.

How much driving range is enough?
During the Q&A portion of the call about this announcement, Musk made some
good points about how much range is enough for an EV. He said that in the
longest range version of the Model S, which is the 85D, you can drive 280
miles. If you're going 85 MPH, which is quite fast (especially as an
average), you'd be driving for over 3 hours. If you're going at typical city
speeds of around 25 MPH, you'd be driving for over 10 hours. And mix of the
two might result in 5-6 hours.

So adding more range wouldn't make that much of a different because very few
people will drive for 5-6 hours straight without stopping. And if you're
stopping, the EV can bring you to a Supercharger station and while you
stretch your legs, go to the bathroom, get a bite to eat, a coffee,
whatever, you can get enough charge for the next leg of the trip.

So in theory, an electric car with 1,000 miles of range might not be driven
that differently from one that has 250 miles of range just because most
people take breaks from driving. In fact, forcing people to take more breaks
might actually improve road safety since tired drivers who have been sitting
all day are probably higher risks.

Musk also said that he thinks 200 miles of real-world driving is a minimum
for an EV, and that people want maybe 20-30% more than that just to be safe.
He thinks the ideal is probably between 250-350 miles. This probably means
that the mass-market Model 3 will probably have at least 200-250 miles of
range, even with the lower price tag.

Is this truly the end of range anxiety?
I have to admit, we're getting pretty close to the end of rational range
anxiety. There are now so many chargers of all kinds all around that you
really have to make an effort to end up somewhere where it's impossible to
get some juice.

Irrational range anxiety will probably continue a while longer, and I
suspect that the real cure for those late adopters who are suspicious of all
new things is simple for more EVs to be on the road for longer. Once
everybody clearly sees that people don't run out of range and can take
longer trips when they need to, this worry will fade away.
Model S Has You Covered
March 19, 2015
New Tesla 'Range Anxiety' Software Is Just Like the Nissan LEAF
By Aaron Turpen  2015-03-20

You Can Buy a Self-Driving Tesla in About Six Months
[20150319]  By Eric Pfeiffer

The new self-driving Tesla Model S is coming to a driveway near you.
Literally. Pioneering CEO Elon Musk announced during a conference call on
Thursday the hands free electric car is hitting the market in just six

Already capable of 200 miles excursions, the new Tesla can drive even longer
distances (Musk cited Seattle to San Francisco), without the driver touching
a single control. He also promised to solve “range anxiety” with the new
Model S, warning drivers if they’re at risk of running out of power,
directing them to nearby stations.

“It’s basically impossible to run out of range, unless you do so
intentionally,” Musk said.

Along with the warning system, the 6.2 Model S sedan will come with a
built-in trip planner to help drivers navigate a route that keeps them
safely within range of charging stations.

“It’s a big network of Superchargers communicating with a big network of
cars,” Musk said. “This has never happened before.”

But the coolest part of Musk’s call may have been when he announced that if
you’re on private property, drivers will actually be able to remotely summon
their vehicle. And when they’ve arrived home after a drive, Tesla owners
will also be able to “send” their cars back into the garage without actually
having to manually park them.

Last October, Musk previewed some self-driving features while unveiling a
higher-powered engine model of the Model S. Some experts thought he was
about to unveil a self-driving vehicle during that announcement. But on
Thursday, Musk stressed that slow and steady innovation is what will win the
race in the competition to transform the way we drive.

“Most cars don’t improve over time,” he said. “But the Model S does get
faster, smarter, and better as time passes. The car gets better as you
sleep. When you wake up, it’s like driving a new car.”

However, he also took to Twitter on Wednesday to reassure some panicked
drivers after quipping that manual driving may one day be outlawed after
self-driving cars have become the norm.

To be clear, Tesla is strongly in favor of people being allowed to drive
their cars and always will be. Hopefully, that is obvious,” he wrote.
[© ryot.org]

Tesla to offer hands-free steering on Model S in 3 months 
Paul Lienert  Mar. 19 2015

Tesla Motors Inc. will soon offer upgrades including hands-free steering on
its Model S sedan, chief executive officer Elon Musk said on Thursday, but
the news did not help the electric car maker’s volatile shares, which fell
more than 2 per cent.

Tesla is set to offer the automatic steering feature in three months, about
a year ahead of other auto makers. It will be available only when driving on
freeways or major roads, as part of a continuing series of free software
upgrades delivered wirelessly to Model S owners, Musk said. 

General Motors Co. has said it plans to offer a similar set of hands-free
driving features next year on its new Cadillac CT6 sedan. Other auto makers
and suppliers are working on similar automated systems.

Tesla is among several auto makers, including BMW and Daimler AG’s
Mercedes-Benz, offering software updates wirelessly through a car’s built-in
modem. Tesla has been more aggressive than most others in pushing such
“over-the-air” software updates, which Musk said would continue to be
released every three or four months.

Investors, who had pushed the stock higher ahead of Musk’s announcement,
sold off on the news. Shares were down 2.3 per cent in mid-day trade to
$196.18 (U.S.) by 2:21 p.m. EDT.

The company’s stock has fallen from a peak last September of $291.42. Shares
rose above $200 after Musk tweeted on Sunday that Tesla planned a March 19
press conference to announce the software update.

On Thursday, Tesla also announced the release of a new Range Assurance
feature that will warn Model S drivers before they run out of battery power.
The feature will be bundled with a trip planner that will help owners map
“optimal” travel routes, Musk said.

He said the range assurance and trip planning features, which will be
released in about 10 days, will make it “almost impossible for a Model S
driver to run out of range.” The latest version of the Model S has a range
between charges of about 450 kilometres.

Among new features to be delivered later this year, in what Musk said would
be Version 7.0 of the car’s operating software, is one that will enable
owners to summon their car remotely from the garage.

Another feature will be a valet mode that limits vehicle speed and access to
confidential information.

The Version 7.0 software also will be installed in the new Model X crossover
that goes into production this summer.

Tesla this year has come up under increasing scrutiny by investors after
several misfires, including missing sales targets in China and, more
recently, falling short of Wall Street’s expectations on profit and sales

Of particular concern is the company’s free cash flow. Tesla burned through
$455-million in the fourth quarter as it overhauled and expanded its
California assembly plant and finalized development of the Model X.

When the company announced year-end results in February, chief financial
officer Deepak Ahuja said he expected cash burn this year to be less than

Say Goodbye To Range Anxiety And Welcome To Auto Steering In Tesla Motors
Inc Cars
by Sachi Mohanty  March 19, 2015 

Tesla Motors Inc will release the software of its Model S sedan within days
that will prevent drivers from running out of charge accidentally thus
removing “range anxiety” associated with electric vehicles.

Even though the Model S has a 200 mile range — far more than any other EV
such as the Nissan Leaf — consumers may be wary of running out of the
electric juice under the hood (rather the car body) with no Supercharger

Hence the latest updates will inform the drivers about nearby supercharging
stations making it “impossible to run out of charge unless you do so
intentionally,” as Tesla CEO Elon Musk put it.

How the software will do this is by estimating how much charge you have and
how far a Supercharger is and then calculating whether you have enough
charge to reach a nearby Supercharger. In case the software feels you may be
going too far away from a Supercharger relative to your battery charge left,
you will get a warning and will have to confirm that you are sure you want
to go there.

Tesla Model S has a unique software-enabled feature — or many features —
that gets progressively better with over-the-air software updates. Today’s
updates were about version 6.2 of the software.

The next update, version 7.0, will add even more fancy capabilities
including auto-steering which Mr. Musk described thus: “we can basically go
between San Francisco and Seattle without the driver doing anything.” Those
updates will happen in about three months.

“A huge part of what Tesla is is a Silicon Valley software company,” Mr.
Musk added. “People take it to be normal that your phone and laptop will
keep improving, and that is the approach we’ve taken with the Model S. It’s
a fundamental paradigm shift from cars, which are usually quite static.”

Mr. Musk does not shy away from highlighting how different he thinks Tesla
cars are — how advanced compared to run-of-the-mill cars. Whether other
automakers agree is another matter. For example, German luxury carmakers BMW
and Mercedes-Benz also offer over-the-air updates as well as have hands-free
driving capabilities.

Clearly, regulation is what is going to determine whether consumers can
engage those advanced driving capabilities. Regulators will decide whether
consumers may engage the “autopilot” on designated highways only and will
need to switch the feature off in city driving.

The next vehicle from the Tesla stable — the Model X SUV — will also benefit
from these innovations.

When Mr. Tesla (or Mr. Musk) tweeted that today’s OTA software update will
affect the “entire Model S fleet,” it’s worth remembering that the entire
fleet consists of less than 50,000 cars ...

Mr. Musk had taken to Twitter a couple of days ago to scoff at the idea that
he tweets to inflate Tesla share price. He had said: “a brief rise in TSLA
stock obviously does no good for Tesla or me.” In fact, a few months back,
Mr. Musk had said that the Tesla stock was priced too high back then. Rarely
would you find the CEO and largest shareholder of a company complaining that
his company’s stock price was too high. So, Mr. Musk has been consistent in
this regard.
[© efinancehub.com]

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