On Apr 6, 2015, at 8:10 AM, tomw via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Don't know if this is the actual case, but I think it would
> be easy for the management at Tesla to develop group think, forgetting that
> most U.S. citizens don't live in silicon valley and work in high tech, and
> overestimating the appeal and acceptance of such features as self-driving as
> a result.

I think the overwhelming majority -- near unanimity, in fact -- would 
absolutely love a self-driving car. Even those who enjoy driving...there're 
still be times they'll want / need to take a phone call, be too tired / drunk 
to safely drive, and so on. Most commuters would, I'm sure, rather watch TV or 
get caught up on email or post something on MyFaceTwit or whatever than have to 
make life-or-death decisions about how to maneuver a two-ton hunk of metal and 
glass and plastic with themselves caged within.

Will they trust current technology? Could they afford current technology? 
Those're different questions.

But the desire most emphatically exists.

Just look at all the idiots on the road shaving or putting on makeup or texting 
or yakking on the phone...each and every one of those would much rather _not_ 
be driving.

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