They should lighten up the vehicle first.  2015 = 3,859 lbs
They should add V2H/V2G first. So I can run my house off the car when the grid goes down. Vehicles moving by themselves in an open space is not a good idea. Injuries will occur; or a more extensive locked-out 'carport' is required. The 'carport' however could incorporate the movement in the upper section with much less risk. The carport will need a cover to inactivate while the car is gone, unless the lenses are actively defocused (I believe they said fixed). How many folks of approximately C-Max height might otherwise walk underneath that carport at the wrong time. When the Ford ages and the springs sag, the top will no longer be in the same focus plane, unless they're going to active suspension too. Might as well tilt the whole car then ;-) Ford's history of poor paint lifetime especially on horizontal surfaces. Place your bets on the surrounding roof area. I'd like to see Ford first lick the SSN (Stop Safely Now) problems on their EV and Hybrids. Even recent FFE's are still getting it.

I think there is still a place for some solar on the car. Especially since Ford (and others) can't seem to figure out how to otherwise maintain the 12V house battery. But I would lose the carport concept and go with the house integrated solar, and add local storage/dump charge capability.

On 4/21/2015 2:37 PM, Jay Summet via EV wrote:
YouTube url:

I believe this has been discussed on the list before.
 Issues I remember:
-on 300 watts of power under full sunlight, so needs a solar concentrator carport to give more power. (how much more is not strictly specified, but it looks to be 5-10x the surface area, so perhaps as much as 1.5kW-2kW of L1 or very slow L2?) -Car has to move (very slowly) throughout the day to stay under the "focus spot" of the solar carport. (orientation of "carport" must be correct as well.
   -Top of car roof will get HOT with concentrated sunlight on it.

I don't think any of the above are deal breakers, especially if the car can automatically roll down it's windows while charging under full sun.


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