Earth Day 2015: 10 Things You Don't Know About Electric Vehicles
By | 04/20/15

We're all familiar with the basic premise of electric vehicles -- that they
are much better for our environment. But here are a few facts about electric
vehicles (EVs) that you likely don't know:

1.Aging EV batteries perform better than we thought

"Range anxiety," the concern that you might not have enough driving range to
reach your destination or next charging station, is felt by many
eco-friendly drivers, but on top of that, there's the fear that you will
have to replace your battery after a few years.

With today's EV batteries, "end of life" is commonly defined as when the
storage capacity drops down to 70 to 80 percent of the original capacity.
This can happen after a few years of daily driving. As capacity fades, the
vehicle's range decreases. At that point, typically once its down 20
percent, common wisdom goes, the battery should be replaced. So when
scientists last week issued a report refuting that notion, it came as a
pleasant surprise.

Scientists at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) decided to investigate the extent to which
vehicles still meet the needs of drivers beyond this common battery
retirement threshold.

Samveg Saxena, who leads a vehicle power-train research program at Berkeley
Lab, analyzed real-world driving patterns and found that "range anxiety may
be an over-stated concern" since EVs can meet the daily travel needs of more
than 85 percent of U.S. drivers even after losing 20 percent of their
originally rated battery capacity. The report also says that EV batteries
can "satisfy daily mobility requirements for the full lifetime of an
electric vehicle."

Even at 50 percent of the EV battery's original storage capacity, about 80
percent of daily driving needs could still be met, according to the report.
At 30 percent of the original capacity, 55 percent would still get where
they need to go on a daily basis.

"There are two main reasons people are hesitant to buy an EV: first, they're
unsure it will satisfy their mobility needs, and second, they're afraid the
battery won't last the whole life of the car and they'll have to replace it
for a lot of money," said Saxena, who has a PhD in mechanical engineering.
"We show that, even after substantial battery degradation, the daily travel
needs of most people are still going to be met."

2. EV sales sluggish; researchers suggest swapping tax credits for charging
station building funds

A new National Science Foundation (NSF) report, which draws on statistics
from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and automotive sources, points out
that a little more than 250,000 electric cars have been sold since 2010, the
first year they became available.

In recent years, about 97,000 electric cars were bought in 2013 and 119,000
in 2014. Paltry figures, the NSF laments, when compared to the 13 million
gas-powered vehicles (passenger cars, light pickup trucks, SUVs and vans)
sold in 2013 and the more than 14 million in 2014.

Why has adoption been slow? The main reasons, according to the NSF and DOE,
have been in place since the beginning -- electric cars are expensive and
most people don't fully understand the technology. Further, there just
aren't enough charging stations to satisfy the needs of motorists hoping to
pollute less but still drive great distances.

As for the "prohibitive" price of most EVs - which the NSF says ranges from
$15,000 to more than $70,000 - the researchers do point out that a $7,500
tax credit can ease buyers' pain. But they wonder if that's the best way to
spend the $1.05 billion they say subsidies have cost the federal government.

They suggest the money could instead be used to build more than 60,000
charging outlets across the country, which might lead to a five-fold jump in
EV sales. "That number of potential charging stations is significant," the
report states, "it represents about half the total number of gasoline
stations in the United States." 

3. Electric vehicle insurance may involve your homeowner policy

Depending on where you live, you may be required to include liability
coverage in your homeowners insurance policy for fires or any other
potential mishaps tied to the car's charging system.

"The American Association of Insurance Services reports that laws in at
least two states -- Oregon and California -- require some homeowners and
condo-owners to have liability coverage that protects the charging
equipment," Allstate says on its website. "Even if your state doesn't
require coverage in this circumstance, it may be a good idea to talk to your
insurance agent about any homeowners insurance implications."

4. Electric vehicles typically cost more to insure

Repair and replacement costs for EVs are higher than for gas-powered cars so
EVs are usually more expensive to insure. The higher cost is due, in part,
to the pricier parts EVs use.

5. Some car insurance companies offer a car insurance discount for electric

Though you may pay a bit more for insurance, some of that may be offset by a
discount. Some insurance companies, such as Travelers, Farmers and Geico,
offer car insurance discounts on hybrids and EVs in certain states. The
discounts can reach 5 to 10 percent off major coverages of collision,
comprehensive and liability.

[6]. Electric vehicles are quiet; proposals to add sounds are on the table

Federal safety agencies are concerned that EVs pose a danger to pedestrians
and cyclists - the cars are so quiet that people walking and riding bikes
don't hear them approaching. There hasn't been much buzz recently about
this, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) does
have some proposals on the table to pitch to lawmakers and auto
manufacturers. Some of these ideas include requiring EVs (and hybrids) to
emit a sound similar to a regular engine when the car is operating at low

7. Why so expensive? Start with the battery

The DOE says that before 2009, a 100-mile range electric battery cost
$33,000. The price tag is about half that today and the DOE expects it to
drop to at least $10,000 by the end of 2015. Still expensive, but getting

Energy officials add that as much as 80 percent of the energy in the battery
is transferred directly to power the car, compared with only 14 to 26
percent of the energy from gasoline-powered vehicles.

8. Getting from here to there -- a gas to electric comparison

The DOE says it costs about $1 for today's EVs to travel the same distance
as a similar-sized gasoline car using a gallon of fuel. "This adds up to a
savings of more than $2 a gallon or $1,000 a year in refueling costs, and
the next generation of electric vehicles will bring even bigger savings,"
according to, the DOE's website.

9. State and local monies may be available

Beyond the $7,500 tax credit provided by the feds, electric vehicle buyers
may also qualify for similar state and even local government incentives.
California, for instance, offers up to a $2,500 rebate. On the more local
side in the Golden State, the San Joaquin Valley Pollution Control District
in central California offers a $1,000 to $3,000 rebate.

10. The first electric vehicle is very, very old

Robert Anderson invented the first primitive electric car, way back in 1832.
It was a "crude electric carriage" that, nonetheless, was able to move
through "non-rechargeable primary cells," according to PBS's "Now" program.
The vehicle made technological strides over the next few decades and the
first electric taxis began operating in New York City in early 1897.

At the time, there were more EVs on New York streets than gas cars. But
lacking the speed and power of gas models, they eventually became less
popular. The rise of the combustion machines was at hand - Henry Ford
introduced the Model T, mass-produced and affordable for many Americans, in
Top 10 reasons why people love the electric car
by Guy Dauncey  April 21st, 2015

What’s not to love about an electric car? If you want to go on a hot
electric vehicle date, go to the Electric Vehicle Fair 2015 at Science World
in the evening of Friday (April 24), organized by the Vancouver chapter of
the B.C. Sustainable Energy Association.

So here are the top 10 reasons why so many people are falling in love with
an electric car—and let’s make it personal, speaking directly to the object
of our affections:

1. You’ve got no baggage!

Unlike your cousin the conventional automobile, you don’t come with baggage.
You don’t bring oil spills, pipelines, and tankers to family gatherings,
pooping all over the party the way you did in the Gulf of Mexico a couple of
years ago, and elsewhere around the world. We prefer our mountains and
coastlines without the sheen of petrochemicals, and we’d like Alberta’s
boreal forest to remain that way, not stripped of its trees and turned into
bitumen. Your cousin doesn’t see things the same way, alas.

2. You don’t cause climate change

This is a biggie for anyone who cares about the world. Wherever the
electricity comes from zero-carbon sources such as solar, hydro, and wind,
you’re a real solution to the climate crisis, and even when it’s partly
coal-fired you still produce fewer emissions than your cousin. Because of
this I foresee a long and happy relationship, riding together into a safe,
sustainable future.

3. You don’t cause air pollution

You don’t have unpleasant bodily odours, which can be a turn-off in a
relationship. You don’t pollute the air, which means you don’t contribute to
cardiovascular disease, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung
cancer, and diabetes. So people have no reason to feel guilty about driving
around with you, which has got to be good, since judgment and criticism are
a big part of why couples break up. You’re also very quiet: you don’t
announce yourself wherever you go. People like that in a relationship.

4. You’re not an expensive date

You cost far less to fuel than your gasoline-guzzling cousin—just three
cents a kilometre. So at 10,000 kilometres a year you only cost $5 a week.
Nor is it a problem finding a place to charge up if you are not already
being charged from home or work. The display on your dashboard says where
the nearest charging station is and how much further you can go before you
need a top-up. In doubt? Check PlugShare to see the location of EV charging
stations in North America.

5. You’re not an expensive shopper

When it comes to keeping you neat and tidy at the service station you cost
35 percent less than your cousin, the gas-guzzling automobile. Why so?
Because you’ve got so many fewer moving parts. Over eight years, doing 8,000
kilometres a year, a typical small car will cost $4,770 in maintenance
including oil changes, brakes, tires, spark plugs, and filters, but you will
only cost $3,070.

6. Blush—you’re rather awesome

Your acceleration is the best. You’re super-smooth and super-quiet. Your
drive is four times more efficient than your cousin and almost twice as
efficient as your other cousin, the hydrogen car. Driving with you puts a
smile on people’s faces. Every time you hit the brakes instead of wearing
out the brake-pads, the energy is transferred to your battery pack. This is
tough to explain to someone who has never been on a date with you, so if
you’re reading this and you’ll be in Vancouver on the evening of Friday
(April 24) come on down to Science World. You’d best hurry though, because
if a thousand people come there won’t be a date for everyone. Register now
to book a test drive.

7. Your battery is 100 percent recyclable

That’s important to know, since your critics make a big deal about how your
battery is going to die and be bad for the environment, filling up the
landfills. Not so. All existing lead-acid and nickel-metal hydride batteries
are recycled, and since most lithium-ion batteries will hold 85 percent of
their power when it’s time to replace them there’s going to be a market for
them. The remaining 15 percent will be taken back by the manufacturer and
refurbished or re-used in one way or another.

8. It costs a bit to marry you, but it’s worth it for a long-term

It’s your battery that makes you more expensive than your cousin, but within
five to 10 years the falling cost of batteries will have eliminated the
cost-difference. To entice people into a marriage, there’s a $5,000
incentive plus a $3,250 Scrap-It trade-in allowance in British Columbia.
There are also secondhand Nissan Leafs for sale at Motorize in Sidney, near

9. You’re a positive for Canada’s economy

When people drive your cousin, most of the money they spend on fuel gets
spent in the countries Canada imports oil from, supporting jobs there, not
here. When people drive you, by contrast, they charge up with electricity
generated in Canada, so the money circulates locally, supporting jobs in
Canada. And since you cost so much less to run, the money saved on fuel will
generate jobs too.

10. You don’t cause wars over oil

Fancy that—you don’t motivate nations to invade other nations or try to
corrupt their democracies. You don’t motivate oil companies to drill in the
Arctic or under the Amazon rainforest. You don’t provoke civil conflict and
strife, and when people marry you their wedding trains aren’t soaked in
blood and oil. So whether as a date or as a life-long partner, you’re a

To learn more about your dream date, watch the YouTube video [
] of the webinar BCSEA did with John Stonier in March, Full Charge on
Electric Vehicles. And a big congratulations to the Vancouver chapter of the
BCSEA for organizing the EV Fair!
Vancouver International Auto Show goes electric

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