Hi Ken,
I am not sure how a hall-effect throttle works other than that it uses magnetism
instead of a resistance trace. I believe that the throttle itself uses an AC 
in a coil that is affected by a metal plunger attached to the throttle pedal,
but I am not sure and it does not matter if the output from the hall effect 
gets converted to a standard 0-5V throttle control voltage somewhere, then it 
is easy
to take the pulses from the hall sensor on the mower axle and turn those into a
control voltage also to automatically maintain RPM (rev up the motor if the hall
pulses indicate that it is slowing down) this may need a simple inverting opamp
to get the correct feedback, once you have the correct control signals.

Hope this helps,

Cor van de Water
Chief Scientist
Proxim Wireless Corporation http://www.proxim.com
Email: cwa...@proxim.com    Private: http://www.cvandewater.info
Skype: cor_van_de_water     XoIP: +31877841130
Tel: +1 408 383 7626        Tel: +91 (040)23117400 x203

-----Original Message-----
From: ken [mailto:k...@peakfoto.com]
Sent: Sat 4/25/2015 10:30 AM
To: Cor van de Water; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] AC motors for mowers

> If you are interested in the 36V DC motor, it even has a Hall effect
> sensor on the axle that sits on top of the motor, to maintain RPM under
> varying load, in case you'd like to add this to your controller (I think
> that simply integrating the pulse output over time to get a DC voltage
> representative of the speed and combining that with any throttle input to
> the motor controller will do the trick. I believe Worx calls this
> "intellicut"

I am working on using a controller to slow down the motor for power
savings and noise for lighter grass.

how complicated is to ad this to my existing controller that has a hall

I would be nice to have it maintian constate speed .

I the a cheap way to do this with out using a Bike controller and an add on.

could I by the board from them or ???

I built a box to put my headway cells in with bms, but the speed control
would be nice also.

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