When the electric company is beginning to charge $120./yr for solar presence on 
a  house, when they already charge $120./ yr or more for safer analog meters, 
when all the wrongful deaths and property damages are being adding to consumer 
bills and other tech advances being charged in advance of installation, as is 
happening in Northern California and parts of southern California, an 
earthquake prone area, it makes more and more sense of be off-grid! The new 
model is to charge conservative utility users more than heavy utilities. 
Additionally, BIG earthquakes and drought correlate closely as faults lose 
liquid lubrication from water seeping in from the surface.An EV and off grid 
solar has been my dream system since the '70's! I don't shop where I can't 
charge. evalbum.com/1745 - see the WIP update at Maker Faire, San Mateo May 

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