Air conditioning is one of several horror stories associated with my Hyundai conversion. It started with a tail shaft belt drive for the OEM compressor. The belt drive as initially configured failed to transmit enough torque to drive the compressor reliably. A reconfiguration of the belt geometry had some problem also, I don't remember what. I was unhappy with the belt drive anyway; it made the no clutch configuration difficult to shift.

On to a MasterFlux. an electric solution. The MasterFlux had insufficient cooling capacity and failed in short order. I gave up on it and ordered <namebrandforgotten>. Money up front and extremely slow delivery, like a year. These people were seeking OEM business and did not really want to fool with one offs. It ran a few hours, then failed.

I have somewhere north of $10k in air conditioning and had a total of less than 5 hours of cooling in about 8 years.

My advice on air conditioning: buy an imiev, buy a Tesla, even buy a Leaf. My imiev cost very little more than I expended on the Hyundai air conditioner. And I have good reliable air conditioning on the imiev from day one.
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