Time for California to claim energy crisis refunds
By Loretta M. Lynch | June 12, 2015

[images  / Paul Chinn
As state Public Utilities Commission chief, Michael Peevey, shown after
speak ing to the state Senate, took a conciliatory approach to market

Fifteen years ago, greedy traders plunged California into the energy crisis
with its first supplier-caused blackout. That crisis almost bankrupted
California. As then-president of the California Public Utilities Commission,
I immediately launched an investigation into the cause of the supply
shortage. A month later, the Lynch-Kahn report accused the energy marketeers
of intentionally manipulating California’s market.

We were right. 

Now we know that energy traders such as Enron and others were playing games
with the California economy. They created energy shortages by withholding
electricity and gas from our homes and businesses, artificially driving up
prices and then taking bets on just how much the price would rise. When the
withholding games caused a blackout, California’s energy prices rocketed
into the stratosphere. The energy marketeers made billions of dollars. Our
economy staggered. 

Incredibly, we are still waiting to recover billions of dollars in
overcharges and increased costs stemming from this blatant fraud. From 2000
through 2001, California overpaid for electricity by at least $20 billion.
To prevent the utilities from going bankrupt and to keep the lights on, the
state paid those overcharges by selling bonds. We will pay the costs of that
fraud in our utility bills every month until 2022. We need to ensure that
justice — so delayed — does not, by inaction, become justice denied.

In 2000, the PUC issued more than 120 subpoenas for information from all
energy companies in the California market. But the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission stymied California’s efforts to obtain critical information that
would prove the energy sellers’ collusion. Those sellers, and the Wall
Street banks that backed them and bet on them, ran to the FERC to quash
California’s subpoenas. The federal commission accommodated the conspirators
then, and continues to do their bidding now.

From 2000 through 2002, the PUC brought case after case before the federal
commission to challenge myriad schemes of the energy pirates. In response,
the FERC started secret proceedings to determine whether specific sellers
manipulated our energy markets. California was excluded from those

At every turn, the federal commission obstructed California’s efforts to
obtain refunds of unjust charges — and refused to require sellers to turn
over documents proving the collusion and withholding. California took the
federal commission to court and, starting in 2004, the courts sided with
California. FERC had to be ordered repeatedly by the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit to allow California to obtain and present evidence. 

Once Mike Peevey became the PUC president, he and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
took a different, more conciliatory approach to the FERC and the wrongdoers.
Instead of fighting the collusion, the PUC settled with the offenders, often
for pennies on the dollar. In one case, California’s settlement permitted
the wrongdoer, NRG, to “pay back” a portion of its ill-gotten gains by
creating a for-profit electric-vehicle charging infrastructure, using our
money to build its business.

Instead of trying to return all energy crisis excess profits to ratepayers
or to California, backroom deals were made. 

But there is still hope for a modicum of justice. At least two
market-manipulation cases brought by California are still pending before the
federal commission and haven’t yet been settled by the state PUC. Winning
these cases could mean billions of dollars for California families and

I urge the PUC, the governor and the attorney general not to settle those
cases cheap, but to fight for California ratepayers and present a full case,
with evidence, in the FERC hearings this fall. Just this April, the Ninth
Circuit ordered FERC to hear California’s evidence of gaming and market
manipulation and to decide the case under the correct legal standards. New
decisions from the Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit give momentum to
California’s energy crisis claims. Now is not the time to settle the
remaining energy crisis cases. Now is the time to prove the fraud and obtain
full refunds for Californians. 

Loretta M. Lynch is the former president of the California Public Utilities

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