I've forgotten so much from my original EV research and other related 
activities, that I had not considered the simplicity of a stand-alone meter in 
the circuit. The link provided presented a programmable meter for a pretty 
reasonable price. Correct me if I'm wrong in this supposition: programmable so 
it will interrupt the circuit when certain parameters are met? I downloaded and 
attempted to read the manual for the meter and was overwhelmed with the 
complexity of the device.
I have a much simpler device in my velomobile that monitors my 12v battery 
"consumption" for the lights and accessories. It begins to register all the 
important parameters when connected and forgets them when disconnected. I've 
found a number of devices of similar construction with higher capacities than I 
need, so I won't burn it out, but it's not programmable. It also has a built-in 
shunt, so the external device would not be needed. (thanks M.R.)

Part of my original unclear message was aimed at how would I be able to charge 
these cells, but I can see now that a meter external to the r/c charger will 
provide the data while the r/c charger will give me the current and monitoring 
that I need. It's not like the charger bases the duration on amp-hours "pumped" 
back into the battery, so sequencing it two or three times won't cause an 
overcharge if left unattended at just the wrong moment, while the external 
meter can give me the total at the end.
I'm not one to shy away from high tech stuff like the programmable meter, but 
it seems unwarranted in this case, as I already have sufficient complexity in 
the r/c charger. Whatcha think?

Original Message: 7
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 14:41:55 +0000 (UTC)
From: jerry freedomev via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] recharging/testing a LiFePO4 hi capacity cell

Hi Fred and All,
Rig one up with a Lightobject wthr? meter.? I'm going to use one to control my 
Volt module's charging, monitoring, etc.?
They have a wide selection online at very reasonable costs.
Jerry Dycus

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