It's possible he has a defective battery. Also, I still don't believe balances 
work on Lithium cells.

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On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:40 PM -0700, "Bill Dube via EV" <> 

There are too many variables to draw any strong conclusions. The two 
biggest factors are:

1) The BMS does not have as much time to balance during a fast charge.
2) The cell temperature is typically higher (for many reasons) when you 
fast charge. The cells don't like high temperatures.

"Stale charge" is also large factor in apparent capacity change and 
happens in all chemistries to varying degrees. It may be a factor in 
these "tests" on battery pack capacity. (In nicads it can be 
particularly a large "stale charge" effect and is commonly called 
"memory effect".) Essentially, when you _gently_ and _fully_ cycle a 
battery, the apparent capacity becomes much greater after the first full 
cycle, and often grows a bit more with the second full cycle.

The longer it has been since you last accessed the full capacity of the 
battery, the worse the problem of "stale charge" becomes.

Batteries are very complicated chemical beasts. Simple tests often don't 
tell you the full story.

Bill Dube'

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