MOG is on a quest for the ‘totally solar electric boat’ with free build 
licenses for not-for-profit humanitarian use.
We have entered a contest and anyone sharing our interests can join in the 
With 7 category headings of unique inventions, there is no lack of neat stuff 
upon which to vote.

Our blog about the totally solar electric boat, leads into the NASA Tech Pubs 
competition called 'Create The Future’.
Getting a good ranking in the contest would bring the solar EV boat quest to 

In short, if one registers to vote (actually registering for the CR4 
site/forum), once registered, they can log back in, 
vote and follow the contest to conclusion. CR4 is a high tech site for all.

The full size solar boat, other prototypes, systems, programs and ideas are all 
up for recognition by vote.
The solar boat is just one entry under the Sustainable Technologies heading.

The blog site
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